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08-30-2011, 09:25 AM
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08-30-2011, 09:33 AM
王石: 08年用三个字总结就是“想不到”,无论是个人、企业、国度,都不想到我们30年的改造之后,获得了这样瞩 目标成绩。当然了,我们对从前的总结,更多地是对于未来的瞻望。
方才我们听了茅于轼老先生的发言,他的发言很年青,就是未来的30年的可能。我之前去过耶路撒冷的大屠杀的 博物馆,在这之前我也去了柏林的大屠杀博物馆。我觉得这两个博物馆有差别,在柏林的大屠杀博物馆当中,你进 去之后确切这个博物馆把大屠杀给你酣畅淋漓地展示出来。但是在耶路撒冷我觉得是非常非常感性的,理性地剖析 为什么犹太人在这么短的20年内被屠杀?到了二战的时候有了工业文化,只不过是用产业文明的来屠戮犹太人。 所以,在4年时间,用非常科学的方式把犹太人屠杀了。这就带来一个问题,迷信是不是带来的就是文明、提高? 不是的,大屠杀就是基督教文明的随同的产儿,那么我们中国到了今天30年了,我们也在强调去年一年,che ap uk shoes (http://www.mbtdiscountus.com/products_new.html),我非常感激去年我们提前的宏观调控。由于提前一年做了应答金融风暴 的筹备,所以大家感到很冷,我觉得很舒畅。我最艰苦的时候过来了,bets clearance usa (http://www.mbtdiscountus.com/products_new.html),但是大家现在才表彰万科、确定万科,显然是不太一样的。
我想说的是,去年一年的阅历不算什么。那么,我们该存钱仍是花钱?花钱的时候他们说我出去花费,但是杨凯生 行长发言的时候说大家要存钱。所以,当初到了我们迷惑什么?现在良多人在料想,说万科下一步09年、201 0年的市场走向怎么样,房地产价钱怎么样?我晓得在座的都想听这个,我想说的是,万科有一个专门研讨部分, 我们都有数字,但是在这里,我不告知你们。
我想说的就是,为什么万科做出那样一个调整价格的决议,为什么非常坚决?实际上,我想在1992年的时候, 那个时候朱�基当常务副总理进行宏观调控的时候,best prises for running shoes outlet uk (http://www.mbtfootwearuk.com/products_new.html),当时就是为了股价虚涨、房价虚涨,当时我提了万科超过25%的利润 不做。当时房地产利润不超过40%就不要斟酌了,所以不被懂得,大家欢欣鼓舞,当时的房价很好、股价很好。 万科在3年之后,就是在98年忽然发明自己成为了上市公司当中最大的公司,当然我们的利润长短 常小的。
07年我们是欢喜鼓励,在06、07年上半年的时候,我只能用4个字形容对于市场的感觉“胆战心惊”。房价 、地价那样的上涨,你可以感到到香港、亚洲的金融危机,日本的泡沫的决裂的景象,显然中国看来就要产生了。 但是,什么时候发生?不明白,我们不是算命先生。地价高的时候也得高价买地,但是我们依据宏观调控,我们坚 定去调房价,实际上我以为整个的调剂现在刚开始。但是,对于万科这是一个战术的问题,是比拟好调的。这是什 么问题呢?不仅仅是房地产行业,还有我们全部中国的企业行业来讲,有一个心态的问题,什么心态呢?是一个牛 市的心态,这样一个追赶财产甚至不择手腕。虚夸、急躁的心态。现在说调控了,才开端调,金融风暴来的时候和 我们没有关联,这是我们整个从上到下的心态。
那么,万科实际上我们这两年进行了什么调整呢?我们一个调整就是房地产实际上还是非常非常粗放的一个行业, 还在提供半成品,就是所谓的毛坯房,我们万科实现了从毛坯房到精装修的产品提供。但是毛坯房老卖,为什么提 供精装修呢?还是邓小平那句话“我们不争辩”,我们就必需精装修。09年我问精装修对于市场上是一个累赘还 是一个竞争点?大家很愉快地说,是一个竞争点。
第二个是坚决做工业化,改变传统方式,转变能耗、低效力的供给产品的方法。我们07年在市场的产业化成本无 比高,那么谁买单?还是消费者买单。政府激励产业化,但是政府也不买单,那么只有万科买单。在房地产市场好 的时候,你买单可以加在售价上面,但是06、07、08年过去了,在市场十分好的时候,我们高投入的进行产 业化。到了09年市场不大好的时候,我们就是高本钱。那么,对于万科来说,我们未来往哪里走?我们改变这种 靠粗放耗费能源这样的靠市场的茂盛需要来支撑的,实际上是支持不下去的。
我想说万科相对中国的其余企业不是成破很早的,但是我们有一个后发上风,你不仅能够借鉴国际上的优良企业是 怎么走出来的,也可以鉴戒中国的新型企业是怎么走出来的。比方说联想、海尔、华为,都是万科借鉴的。固然这 些企业跟万科成立的时光差未几,然而他们走国际化的道路很早。绝对来说,我们是走的华为的途径,假如用动物 的话来讲,任正非先生是一个狐狸,就是很狡诈的。
我觉得华为走的道路,走的是一条如何从营销生产型,转向研发技术型。显然,万科也在走这样的一条道路,通过 如何的营销生产中国住宅产业化,向研发技巧型这样一个转化。
实际上,无论市场好、不好,中国的大格式是没有改变的,亚洲的竞争力的大格局没有改变。好比说我们现在的国 民币会调高了,我们的劳动法使劳动成本增添了,使人都破了,要不跑到越南去了,mbt sirima sale (http://www.mbtdiscountus.com/mbt-sirima-shoes-c-301.html),要不跑非洲去了,要不跑南美去了,怎么可能?越南不外是广西省的范围,包容不了的。去 南美吧,墨西哥早就做经济特区,就是在美国的边疆上,早就有区位优势了。非洲不必说了,那个处所能去吗?所 以,中国的世界工厂制作位置自身是不能改变的,作为来中国知道的,无非是三种取舍。去越南、去非洲是其中一 种抉择,第二挑选,你只好减少劳能源,引进机械手。我知道现在在珠三角,许多的一些工厂出产,现在就是这样 做的。第三个是到湖北、湖南、江西去。
所以,整个的金融危机来了,中国的大势没变。问题是,我们要走向哪里去?就我个人而言,我是25年前到了深 圳,我当时很简略,我认为受冤屈、受压制,我看到香港人的生涯程度比我们高得多,我想改变生活方式,我想使 大家有这个才能。所以,过去的20年、30年我想到了,但是再往下走,为什么2008年我个人和万科碰到了 那么多的压力呢?我感到问题在于,我们没有肯定一个天花板在那里。万科是确定底线,不行贿、不做暴利,这些 我们做到了,我们明哲保身,我们怎么发展我们异常有信念。但是,你个人在社会上闻名了,企业在社会上的地位 比本来主要了,你到底应该怎么说?怎么做?怎么引导?我们基本没有做好这个参照性。
所以,我想说在将来的30年当中的不断定,我们怎么请求本人?显然像经济察看报这样的财经媒体,应当在这方 面对咱们企业就像前多少年最受尊重的企业,企业国民的义务这样的引诱,如何在这种观点、思维、信奉方面,再 给我们一些领导。谢谢各位!

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08-30-2011, 11:51 AM
【Date】 2003.04.28
issued timeliness】 【effective
implementation date】 【Key Words】 【2003.06.01
expiration date】 【Category】 【Content
economic contracts
Supreme People's Court issued units】 【

【Number】 Supreme (2003) 7,

Supreme People's Court on the trial case law applicable to real estate contract dispute Interpretation of Several Issues
(2003 年 3 月 24 by Supreme Court Judicial Committee meeting, adopted 1267, from June 1, 2003 effective)

is correct and timely real estate contract dispute cases heard under the ,
real estate sales contracts referred to in this interpretation, refers to the real estate development enterprises (hereinafter referred to as seller) will not yet completed or completed housing to the community sale and transfer of home ownership to the buyer,nike air max shoes (http://www.supernikeairmax.com/specials.html), pays the price.
second seller commercial sale without a permit, and the buyer entered into a sales contract, it should be invalidated, but before filing a lawsuit to obtain pre-sale permit , can be considered valid.
commercial sales advertising and promotional material for the solicitation of an offer, but the seller on the real estate development planning within the housing and related facilities, instructions and promises made to determine the specific , and entered into a contract for the sale of commercial housing, and housing prices have a significant impact identified, should be considered an offer. The note and promised to real estate sales contracts even if not loaded, nor should be regarded as the contracts,air max 2009 sale (http://www.supernikeairmax.com/nike-air-max-2009-c-21.html), the parties violated, it shall be liable for breach.

seller by subscription, order, book, etc. to the buyer receives the deposit as a guarantee of real estate sales contracts entered into, if for reasons not made a party real estate sales contracts, should be in accordance with the provisions of the law on deposit; due to causes not attributable to the subject matter of both parties, resulting in failure to enter into real estate sales contracts, the seller shall return the deposit the buyer.

commercial subscription, ordering, booking and other agreements have received a mortgage in accordance with the agreement, the agreement should be identified as real estate sales contracts.
parties to real estate sale contract is not in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations for registration procedure on the grounds, the request to confirm the contract null and void, not support it.
the parties agree to go through registration formalities for the entry into force of the sales contract, their agreement, but if one party has performed its principal obligation, unless the other party to accept.

demolition demolition in accordance with the exchange in the form of ownership to make compensation and resettlement agreement, specifying the location of the demolition order, uses specific to the demolition of housing to be compensation and resettlement, if the compensation and resettlement housing demolition be sold to a third person, who requested the demolition of housing priority in obtaining compensation and resettlement should be supported.
request to lift the demolition compensation and resettlement agreement, in accordance with this interpretation of the provisions of Article VIII.

Article VIII of the following circumstances,nike air max 2009 sale (http://www.supernikeairmax.com/nike-air-max-2009-c-21.html), the purpose of leading real estate sales contracts can not be achieved,nike air max sale (http://www.supernikeairmax.com/products_all.html), can not get the buyer may request to terminate the contract of housing, the return of buyers paid money and interest, damages, and may request the seller paid to purchase shall take no more than twice the liability.
(a) real estate sales contracts entered into after the buyer and the seller failed to inform the mortgage to a third party;
(b) of the real estate sales contracts entered into, the seller and the house sold to a third person.
Article IX

seller real estate sales contracts entered into when one of the following circumstances, result in the contract is invalid or revoked, the lifting, the buyer may request the return of paid purchase money and interest, damages, and may request the seller to buy a house take no more than twice the compensation paid to the responsibility:
(a) intentionally concealed to obtain pre-sale permit is not specified facts or provide false pre-sale permit;
(b) the sale of houses have been deliberately concealed the fact that mortgage;
(c) the sale of houses have been deliberately concealed sold to a third party or for the fact that compensation and resettlement housing.

buyer to the seller and the third malicious collusion, entered into a separate real estate sales contracts and housing delivery, leading to the ground unable to obtain housing, request to confirm the seller and the third person to enter into the real estate sales contracts null and void, should be supported.
Article XI of the transfer of possession of housing, as housing delivery, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

housing damage, the risk of loss, before the delivery by the seller, after delivery by the buyer; buyer received the seller submitted a written notice rejected without justification, housing damage, the risk of loss from the written notice submitted to determine the date of delivery by the buyer, but unless the law or unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
Article XII of the main structure due to substandard housing can not be delivered, or delivery of housing, the housing quality of the main structure indeed by the verification failed, the buyer requests to terminate the contract and compensation for losses, should be supported.
Article XIII
the housing quality problems seriously affect the normal residential use, the buyer requests to terminate the contract and compensation for losses, should be supported.

delivery of housing quality problems, the warranty period, the seller should bear the responsibility for repair; seller refused to repair or repair within a reasonable time delay, the buyer is free to or entrust others to repair. Repair costs and repair other damage caused during borne by the seller.
Article XIV
delivery of housing floor area or building area comprising real estate sales contracts and does not match the agreed area of the contract have agreed, in accordance with the agreed processing; contract not prescribed or not clear, according to the following principles:
(a) area of error than the absolute value of less than 3% (3%), in accordance with the contract price and truly settled, buy the subject of the request to terminate the contract, not to support;

(b) the area of error than the absolute value in excess of 3%, the buyer requested to terminate the contract, return of purchase money and interest paid and should be supported. The buyer agreed to continue the contract, the contract is greater than the actual area of housing area, the area of error than the 3% or less (including 3%) of the 房价款 price as agreed by the buyer make up the area of error than out of 3 % borne by the seller 房价款 part, the property of the buyer; housing area is less than the actual contract area, the area of error than the 3% or less (including 3%) of the return by the seller and interest 房价款the buyer, an area of more than 3% error than some of the 房价款 double the return of the buyer by the seller.
Article XV
under the within a reasonable period of three months has not fulfilled the request to cancel the party, should be supported, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

law does not stipulate or the parties not agreed, after being urged by the other party, the reasonable exercise of right of cancellation period of three months. Not summon the other party, the right of cancellation shall occur in the right of cancellation within one year from the date of exercise; overdue does not exercise the right of cancellation eliminated.
Article XVI

parties agreed liquidated damages to the request to reduce the high ground, shall be liquidated damages resulting from loss of more than 30% of the standard appropriate reduction; the parties to less than the agreed liquidated damages on the grounds requested increase, the loss should default to determine the amount of liquidated damages.
Article XVII
real estate sales contracts are not agreed amount of liquidated damages for the loss or method of calculating the amount of liquidated damages or the damages can be determined with reference to the following criteria:
; late payment, in accordance with the total amount of outstanding purchase, with reference to the provisions of the People's Bank of China's financial institutions, interest on past due loans to the standard calculation.
late delivery of housing, in accordance with the late delivery of housing during the competent authorities concerned or a qualified real estate evaluation institutions with lots of similar assessment criteria to determine rents.
Article XVIII of the reasons the seller, the buyer failed to obtain in the following expiration of the certificate of housing ownership, unless the parties have a special agreement, the seller shall be liable for breach of contract Responsibility:
(a) real estate sales contracts for the agreed period of registration of home ownership;
(b) of the real estate contract for the sale of the subject matter is not yet built housing,air max 2010 sale (http://www.supernikeairmax.com/nike-air-max-2010-c-542.html), Since the housing delivery within 90 days;
(c) real estate sales contracts have been completed for the subject matter of housing, since the conclusion of the contract within 90 days.
contract is not agreed amount of liquidated damages or difficult to determine, in accordance with the total amount paid for purchase, with reference to the provisions of the People's Bank of China's financial institutions, interest on past due loans to the standard calculation.
Article XIX

agreement or contract for the sale of commercial housing, , due to the reasons for the seller, the buyer can not apply for home ownership led to the registration, the buyer requests to terminate the contract and compensation for losses, should be supported.
seller and the underwriters entered into commercial underwriting contract, the seller agreed to underwrite the development and construction of housing by people with the name of the seller sales, underwriting limit, no sales of houses, by the Underwriter in accordance with the underwriting contract price of purchase, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
a seller have agreed to sell its own people by the Underwriters underwriting the housing, the underwriting of people requesting the seller pay for the damages, should be supported, unless otherwise agreed by the parties .

real estate sales contracts for the buyer and the seller because of disputes, the people's court shall notify the underwriters who participate in the proceedings; seller, underwriter and the respective rights and obligations of the buyer of a clear agreement, in accordance with the agreement to determine the contents of the status of the parties to the proceedings.
Twenty-three real estate sales contracts

agreement, the buyer to secure payment of loans, made for commercial reasons are not party to the contract and lead to real estate secured loan transactions contract can not continue to perform, the other party may request to terminate the contract and compensation for damages, because not attributable to the subject matter of the parties failed to enter into contracts and real estate secured loan lead real estate sales contracts can not continue to perform, the party may request to terminate the contract, the seller buy a house should be received by the principal and interest or return of the deposit the buyer.
twenty-four real estate sales contracts are recognized due to invalid or revoked, discharged, resulting in real estate secured loans can not achieve the purpose of the contract, the parties request to lift real estate secured loan contract, should be to support.

to guarantee payment of loans to real estate sales contracts as a party to request confirmation or revocation of real estate sales contracts null and void, terminate the contract, if the security right person as an independent third party claim made the claims, should be secured loans with real estate contract dispute joinder; not made the claim, and only deal with real estate contract dispute. Secured loans secured on real estate contract dispute be sued, and can be tried in combination with the real estate contract dispute.
real estate sales contracts are recognized invalid or revoked, removed,air max sale (http://www.supernikeairmax.com/products_new.html), the real estate secured loan contract has been discharged, the seller shall and home purchase loans received by the principal and interest shall, respectively, the return of the security right and the buyer.

real estate secured loans the buyer fails to repay the loan contract, nor the owner and security for real estate mortgage registration, guarantees the right to prosecute the buyer, real estate sales contracts requested action right under the contract the buyer, it shall notify the seller participate in the proceedings; Secured and prosecuting the seller, if the contract seller to provide guarantees for real estate secured loans, it should be listed as a co-defendant .
第二 seventeen
real estate secured loans the buyer fails to repay the loan contract, but has been made in housing ownership certificate and the owner with the security for the real estate mortgage registration procedures, the mortgagee requests the buyer to repay the loan, or to the housing priority for repayment of the mortgage, the seller should not be added as a party, but unless the seller provides a guarantee.
The present interpretation of the twenty-eighth
since June 1, 2003 shall come into force.

retrial decision process, not applicable to the interpretation.

Several cases of real estate development and management questions answered>.