08-22-2011, 08:28 AM
东南网-海峡都市报8月19日讯(见习记者 简伟雄 记者 廖明生 通讯员 张伟文) 龙岩人黄某醉酒后去嫖娼,却因始终无法进入“状态”,遭到卖淫女小兰(化名)的嘲讽。他恼羞成怒用毛巾勒住 小兰的脖子,不料小兰失去知觉,他惊慌失措逃回家,后又向警方自首。
昨日,黄某因涉嫌故意杀人罪,被龙岩警方刑拘;而容留小兰卖淫的宾馆老板郑某,也因涉嫌容留妇女卖淫罪 被刑拘。事发后,小兰被送到医院抢救,目前已脱离生命危险。
“我把人掐了,不知道她有没有死。”前日凌晨3时许,龙门派出所民警接到一名男子的电话,迅速赶到他家 中,将他带回派出所调查。
据了解,打电话的男子名叫黄某。黄某交代,当日凌晨2时许,六合采现场报马 (http://www.tk47.com),他与朋友喝完酒,就找了一家宾馆开房,并让宾馆老板帮他叫个“小姐”放松一下 。
在嫖娼时,黄某因为喝得太醉,始终无法进入“状态”,遭卖淫女小兰出言嘲讽。一气之下,他用毛巾勒住小 兰的脖子。不多时,小兰就满脸发紫、昏迷不醒。之后,黄某退房逃离宾馆。回到家后,他越想越惊,担心小兰被 自己掐死,于是向警方投案。www.tk47.com (http://www.tk47.com)
昨日,记者在医院看到小兰时,她躺在病床上,双眼通红,左眼附近肤色暗得发紫。据介绍,事发当晚,小兰 的男友小刘在宾馆房间发现她时,她已经昏死过去,于是小刘赶紧打电话报警,并将小兰送到医院。
在医院里,小兰并没有接受治疗。他的父亲说,女儿刚被送到医院时曾有治疗,但到昨日因没钱就停药了,“ 住院治疗一天要1000多元,我老婆也在住院,没有办法”。
小兰的父亲说,“不知道她为什么会这样子,一直以为她在上杭一家电子厂打工”。直到昨日下午,小兰的父 亲还说,他并不清楚女儿真正是做什么工作的。小兰的母亲同样如此,她说,小兰有什么事从来不跟她说,她也是 通过大女儿才知道小兰出了事,才赶到医院的。
据了解,小兰今年20岁,龙岩人。2006年,她的父母离婚后,父亲在江西开了一家小店,并在那里重组 了一个家庭。小兰的姐姐和弟弟跟着母亲,而小兰则被判给了父亲,但小兰并没有跟父亲过,而是一直和爷爷奶奶 在老家。 (http://www.tk47.com)
小兰的男友小刘说,他已经和小兰交往两年多了,也知道自己的女友在卖淫,“知道那样子不好,但也没办法 ”。 (http://www.tk47.com)
父母不在场时,小兰才说,自己初中毕业后,原本在理发店学剪发。后来,理发店的老板告诉她,去三明永安 理发店剪发能赚更多钱。不料,当她到了三明永安后,却被迫去卖淫。 (http://www.tk47.com)
今年5月,小兰回到龙岩后,在一家宾馆长期租了一个房间,宾馆老板郑某为她介绍客户从事卖淫活动,从中 抽成获利。 (http://www.tk47.com)
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08-22-2011, 09:04 AM
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If you're about to find more customers, then no harm to respond positively, but if you have a lot of work to do, consider turned down this project. Although the price on the final agreement on the project may take a little time, so the beginning of more helpful replies:
If you compare them interested, they may return, if no reply, do not try to rely on adjustment of pay to obtain the user, it is unwise. Or wait for better time and spend more time and energy on your existing customers.
Some customers may even pay us even further down, saying such as professionals are not worth the price.
encountered such a situation, we must remain calm at the same time show your professionalism with the customer to explain professional website designers and amateur designers are different.
level. Their attitude is often the case, In addition, these customers seem to know how to do everything, play a little overbearing, or can not let go of your creativity.
how to deal with
if something more, I think I usually turned down such projects, because such customers not only want to do with cheap money to the project, but also want to control the entire process, making your work speak handed difficult to implement . Simply,
If you have been this As long as you are suggesting to him being hired as professional enough. With the designer's professional skills give him, outlining the benefits of a web designer, if it is a new company, you can tell them that the website design entrusted to you, they can confidently put their focus needs to be addressed other things.
No matter what is the meaning to say, most customers say, the added workload is a lot. Usually involves a lot of features added or some very obtrusive visual element,air max 2011 (http://www.goodairmax.com/nike-air-max-2011-c-310.html), and destroy your site design. This sentence is also a rather scary place, customers in the end we could not find out what it means, how to make them happy.
how to deal with
careful not to immediately request the customer to compromise, you need to ensure that things can change the overall design is good for you. Your work is, if the request because the client make changes, but can not work out the final show, it is not a good thing.
If you judge based on their recommendations that are not desirable, given a more reasonable basis. In this way, as long as your reason is more reasonable, they usually will treat you as an expert. But you still have to pay attention to what they have to say, maybe they are not very good idea, but they want to explain the problem does exist. With them to help them identify the problems, why feel
If you did not include the contents of the agreement to create a blog or a WordPress theme, which is called the scope of work expanded. Despite being asked to do things not originally agreed to do would be irritated, we must recognize that no technical knowledge of the customer does not know how to design a web page into a blog theme, and probably do not know the programming is not a standard web design division. Of course this is far not only to design a web page into a blog, but also added a lot of other work, such as: design, coding, choose the right blog platform.
how to deal with
best to provisions in the project's initial scope of work well: there is a conflict can be avoided in the future, you will list all the things they do, and always adhere to this outline. Resist their persuasion, do not agree to any additional compensation beyond the work is not outside the scope of things, otherwise they will encourage customers to momentum and continue to add more work for you.
gathering customer requirements can also prevent this problem, by understanding what customers really need, to do more preparation, if they have mentioned the need to create a blog, then you can tell them you can not provide this service, or require additional fees. Specify detailed quotation, project plan and time the process will help you, so that customers can better stand on your point of view, we can clearly know the
If the customer into the design blog theme, you can remind him that this is not a category stipulated in the contract, additional costs and time.
start a project, discuss the detailed work plan with the customer, they want everything their way to do. Is not going to care too much about little things, so as to establish good relations, but also shows that you are willing to make some adjustments according to their needs. However, when you consider the adoption of a system for security or through an online invoicing cooperation and communication channels for managing the core business processes, not only because 'they do not like the way' to the customer to compromise.
and there are several problems, first, you probably spend a lot of time to complete the process devised strategies to make this work; Second, you are running behind the system must have its reason, it should not be forgotten.
how to deal with
If your client attempts to change your business process, you can say:
most of the customers can understand your agenda is not just their projects, but also tell them that you do not agree with the reasons for their requirements.
the same time, some customers may not be familiar with and do not want to use certain tools, payment, or services. For example, most people should have heard of Paypal, as long as they have done before online transactions, but does not mean that your client employment heard of it. As you rely on this technology have a responsibility to your customers more comfortable using the tools you are using. If the payment of treasure, you can say:
You do not have up Alipay Alipay account or add funds to, you can pay by credit card or debit card, as you pay the same as any other online store, this is because of our mutual security, our company received of payment.
stick to your business processes, not easily pushed reply.
Note: Do not infringe any copyright.
create a rival to compete with Web sites and complete copy of a website are two different things. Start-up company to a production site, to see a competitor's site to find out where you can improve, this is a good thing, but do not directly copy.
how to deal with
customers call you when it comes to copy another site, the best approach is to explain to them to do so to meet legal obligations. And on how to create a website to compete with competitors and provide some of your personal views. Also, tell them clearly, with others of different sites will make them more benefit.
unable to comply with the deadline is unreasonable. You can not delay the current project to adapt to another project, because the long term, you will suffer.
the other hand, some customers run into can not provide the appropriate content of the work they are often some things. Regardless of which web site designers do not want to complete a project for a long time later than expected, just because the customer can not provide timely information about content or other needs.
how to deal with
allow customers to realize you have other projects to complete, according to their specific circumstances, to provide them with a practical project completion date in the original plan for the project to set a reasonable timetable.
If your time is not right for them, long-term consideration, or not to do this project better. For you,air max 90 (http://www.goodairmax.com/nike-air-max-90-c-299.html), do not hurry to rush out other items for the project time. For customers, perhaps they can find other designers in the time required to complete their work.
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