View Full Version : Liars for Jesus available online - The Panda's Thumb

08-18-2011, 06:32 PM
This has been on my mind a lot recently (mostly about same-###### marriage issues), and the only way I can really think they justify it is to vaguely allude to imaginary "Christian roots/basis/foundations" of our country and just leave that implying that <a href="http://www.mbt-shoes-sale.com/mbt-chapa-c-474.html"><strong>mbt shoes chapa</strong></a> their sectarian traditions <a href="http://www.mbt-shoes-sale.com/mbt-chapa-c-474.html"><strong>discount mbt chapa shoes</strong></a> should carry the force of law, or even be enshrined in law. They may not even recognize themselves how starkly at odds this is with the 1st Amendment's religious freedoms protections, and definitely not how much they'd hate it if it was some other religion trying to do exactly what they are doing to work sectarian ideals into the law of the land. The only way I can think to <a href="http://www.mbt-shoes-sale.com/mbt-changa-c-477.html"><strong>cheap mbt changa shoes</strong></a> simply and easily explain the problem to anybody that's capable of understanding it would be the following: You're arguing that our "Christian tradition" deserves the protection <a href="http://www.436100.info/view.php?id=94370"><strong>Air Jordan Shoes May Be A Severe Fashion Report - cailololo - 博客*</strong></a> of law and should be the basis of our legislation. But in order to do that, you must first repeal the 1st Amendment. Feel free to try it, and then we'll pick up the debate about (issue favorable to right-wing Christianity).