08-15-2011, 09:57 AM
She might finish her parents' mission, perhaps even get rescued. Pilgrim said something on his own account, translating: "So what's the new deadline?" "They're confident of having the main walls complete in just under ten tendays." Woodcarver bent a pair of noses to the keyboard, tapped in a note. At the same time she stuck a head over the railing and looked down at the security chief. "I've noticed before that Steel tends to be a bit over-optimistic. Do you have an objective estimate?" "Yes. The walls will be complete between eight and eleven tendays from now." Woodcarver: "We had been counting on at least fifteen. Is this a response to our plans?" On the floor below,mbt tariki mens (, Vendacious drew himself together. "That was our first suspicion, Your Majesty. But ... as you know,mbt kisumu 2 sandals (,Beats Tour (Black) High Resolution In-Ear Headphon (, we have a number of very special sources of information ... sources we shouldn't discuss even here." "What a braggart. Sometimes I wonder if he knows anything. I've never seen him stick his asses out in the field." Huh? It took Johanna a second to realize that this was Pilgrim, editorializing. She glanced across the railing. Three of Pilgrim's heads were visible, two looking her way. They bore an expression she recognized as a silly smile. No one else seemed to react to his comment; apparently he could focus his translation on Johanna alone. She glared at him, and after a moment he resumed his businesslike translation: "Steel knows we plan to attack, but he does not know about our special weapons. This change in schedule appears to be a matter of random suspicion. Unfortunately we are the worse for it." Three or four Councillors began talking at once. "Much loud unhappiness," came Pilgrim's voice, summing up. "They're full of 'I knew this plan would never work' and 'Why did we ever agree to attack the Flenserists in the first place'." Right next to Johanna,mbt safiri chill (, Woodcarver emitted a shrill whistle. The recriminations dribbled to a halt. "Some of you forget your courage. We agreed to attack Hidden Island because it has been a deadly threat,MBT VOI Shoes (, one we thought we could destroy with Johanna's cannons -- and one that could surely destroy us if Steel ever learns to use the starship." One of Woodcarver's members, crouching on the floor, reached out to brush Johanna's knee. Pilgrim's focused voice chuckled in her ear. "And there's also the little matter of getting you home and making contact with the stars, but she can't say that aloud to the 'pragmatic' types. In case you haven't guessed, that's one reason you're here -- to remind the chuckleheads there's more in heaven than they have dreamed." He paused,mbt boots sale (, and switched back to translating Woodcarver: "No mistake was made in undertaking this campaign: avoiding it would be as deadly as fighting and losing. So ... do we have any chance of getting an effective army up the coast in time?" She jabbed a nose in the direction of a balcony across the room. "Scrupilo. Please be brief." "The last thing Scrupilo can be is brief -- oops, sorry," More editorializing from Peregrine. Scrupilo stuck a couple more heads into view. "I've already discussed this with Vendacious, Your Majesty. Raising an army, traveling up the coast -- those all could be done in well under ten tendays. It's the cannon, and perhaps training packs to use cannon, that is the problem. That is my special area of responsibility." Woodcarver said something abrupt. "Yes, Majesty. We have the gunpowder. It is every bit as powerful as Dataset says. The gun tubes have been a much greater problem. Till very recently, the metal cracked at the breech as it cooled. Now I think I have that fixed.