View Full Version : supra vaider 村支书被举报冒领县财政拨款 记者采访遭

08-15-2011, 12:40 AM
  随后,记者联系到高淳县纪委,karen millen clothes 断臂女工获赔18万厂家拒付续 欲去上海上诉 (http://www.zhengshoufa.com/read.php?tid=16721),反映宋太明涉嫌贪污复垦项目财政拨款一事。纪委工作人员作了详细 记录,称将向领导汇报。纪委人士表示,“纪委此前已接到有关宋太明的举报材料,正在加紧调查中。”对此,s alvatore ferragamo (http://www.ferragamoshoeoutlet.com/),快报将继续跟踪报道。



  被人伪造签名拿钱的还承包户。村干部提供了一份“现金支付凭证”,系滩涂复垦开支项目,包括打水费、小 工工资款、青苗费等共计6.5万元,领款人签字的是“时双青、时方方”。村干部介绍,时双青、时方方承包了 仙圩水面370多亩。村委会将承包范围内的35亩荒滩列入复垦项目,验收通过后,镇财政下拨复垦补助资金1 0多万元。宋太明在镇财政所签名领取了这笔钱,占为己有,年终无法交账,就假冒时双青、时方方签名,称两人 领走6.5万元。

  在工资表最后一页写着,该项目总计发放民工工资4197工×35元=146895元。掌握工资发放的村 干部告诉记者,这全是假的。实际只有1000多个工,每个民工干一天即一个工是35元,复垦项目民工工资3 .5万多元,而宋太明造假改为4197个工,冒领10多万元。

  时双青、时方方究竟有没有拿到这笔钱呢?对此,时双青连忙摆手,mbt sale (http://www.mbtsukoutlet.com/),“瞎扯,宋太明将35亩荒滩划走后,他自己找人围垦改造成稻田的,我们根本没插手,我们连一分钱也没拿 到呀。”

  □快报记者 赵守诚 文/摄

  在村干部带来的举报材料中,一份是举报宋太明贪污宋家自然村马家滩复垦项目的财政拨款,这个项目就是将 荒滩复垦成稻田、养螃蟹池塘,被列入县级复垦项目,2005年通过验收后,上级财政拨款18万元给砖墙镇财 政所,宋太明在财政所签名领取了14万元,其中多数占为己有,mbt sandals (http://www.mbtsukoutlet.com/)。
  刚见到记者时,宋太明还满脸微笑,可一听到是让他核实村民反映他“冒领财政拨款”时,宋太明立即脸色大 变,火冒三丈,supra tall tops 男子牵驴强行乞讨不给钱不走(图) (http://www.bonnych.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=43754&extra=),大吼道,“我不接受采访,都是瞎说八道。”记者坚持要核对复垦财政资金的相关发放情况,宋 太明火气更大,指着记者鼻子大爆粗口,“什么鸟记者,妈的个×,快给我滚。”记者转身上车,他仍大骂不止。 记者悄悄拿出相机拍照,旁边立即跳出一个小伙子大喊,“砸他的相机。”冲过来要抢相机,幸亏司机及时发动车 子离开,相机才没有被抢走,north face outlet (http://www.northfacsoutlet.com/)。
  当看到支付凭证上有自己的签名时,salvatore ferragamo shoes (http://www.ferragamoshoeoutlet.com/),时双青哭笑不得,“怎么可能?我和时方方根本没有签字,也没有支钱,这是谁签名一下领走6. 5万呢?”
  仙圩行政村几名村干部告诉记者,从2005年开始,到现在连续5年,所有村干部没领到工资。每次找宋太 明,他都以“没得钱”搪塞。
  工资表显示,民工宋国喜干了48天,领取工钱1680元,并有领取工钱的签名和手印。记者找到宋国喜时 ,这位63岁老人一头雾水,“我在马家滩工地干了十来天,每天工钱35元,总共领了500多元工钱,sup ra shoes 妻子捡回手电筒疑有雷管致丈夫双手被炸烂 (http://www.wxksj.com.cn/discuz/viewthread.php?tid=27024&extra=)。是别人代领的,我没有签字按手印呀。你看我这手指头又短又粗,这工资表上手印只有轻轻细细 一点点,跟我的粗手指对不上号。”看到工资表有王天源的名字,宋国喜大叫奇怪,“王天源70多岁了,身体不 好,supra vaider (http://www.suprauksale.com/),从不出外打工。这上面写他干了48天领取工钱1680元,整个造假。”
  近日,南京高淳县砖墙镇仙圩行政村几名村干部向快报反映:“村支书宋太明贪污、侵吞财政拨款。该村的土 地复垦项目,上级财政下拨了补助资金。宋太明涉嫌伪造施工队和民工签名,虚填冒领公款,中饱私囊。”真相究 竟如何?记者进行了调查。令人诧异的是,当记者找到宋太明核实举报材料时,他不仅拒绝接受采访,还情绪失控 ,脏话连篇,赶记者走。目前,高淳县纪委正在调查此事。

08-15-2011, 12:41 AM
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Reprinted from 451433580 at 10:54 on April 30, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Health Collection

the best doctor is yourself;

the best hospitals in the kitchen;

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effect is to uphold the best!

tone early cardiopulmonary,

night stressed liver and kidney,

often stressed the spleen and stomach bile

Zhang Wu of the 21 sets of video lectures TCM

Zhang Wu of the Profile: Graduated from Chinese medicine, was born in family medicine, joined the Beijing Institute of health and longevity understand ways of vice minister of health education, health instructors instructor; International Health and Longevity Institute members; Beijing Committee of Experts on the protection of health associations; members of the Group to improve national nutrition action; Community and Family Health Promotion Project 105 members of the Group; national health promotion project hundreds of millions of farmers health instructor; the Ministry of Health first certified senior nutritionist, health lecturer; China Council for the Promotion of Health Education Lecturer, Chinese hand clinic Institute Lecturer, the Chinese Student Nutrition Association members; the five elements of Chinese culture, our health advocates, the six-dimensional holographic theory of the founder of balance therapy, human blood balance system control theory advocates; correspondent.
Zhang Wu of the major organs of the central ministries in the country, factories, schools, community health lectures hundreds of games, been widely recognized by the community. For the dissemination of health, for the benefit of the people, long-term positive science-first, spread-based public health education continue to work for the cause of human health and their love!

Beijing Oriental
current video is live music lecturer at the International Cultural Exchange Center invited Mr. Zhang Wuben health to do a During the lecture, Mr. Zhang Wuben accumulated over the years with his knowledge of TCM, and clinical cases to be added. Vivid language and humor of the presence of every audience! In order to facilitate the study and collection of the majority of users, Web site editor will not sick more than 5 hours of video programming, by subject, cutting a small set of order 21, which reasons for the formation of various diseases, their conditioning programs in a very detailed! please watch ~

There Baidu
Zhang Wu of the
TCM Lectures

30 set of

Zhang Wu of the therapeutic regimen

Zhang Jie Wu
second hour of the organ with the second secret

Abstract: Zhang Wu a guest of the teacher, health secret. Not spleen, heart no better, lunch is nourishing the heart, small intestine where it is absorbed protein at noon to eat meat, at certain elements, but also teach you some little secret trick to restore his health, enjoy the view.

Encyclopedia of the Zodiac that

2 �� 4 �� Zhang Wu of the teacher's lecture notes

four cornerstones of a healthy peace of mind: mind is always in the first day, three smile smile, doctors have to hang, three-day laugh laugh, away from the disease and medicine.
��Chinese eight principles: yin and yang, cold and heat inside and outside the actual situation, the eight principles and people are likely to get sick uneven��

Second To good health, good food to eat first, to good health, eat the first calcium, diet drug wins, the rice as a medicine to take, please do not give medicine as food.

three one saying goes, no time to sleep, sooner or later have to find time for illness, we Chinese saying goes, every day, insomnia, less life years.

four women do not leave life-long beans, because beans soybeans there are beneficial flavonoids ����: stimulation of estrogen secretion, protection of gynecology.

five liver
Liver: green beans, green vegetables, vinegar
bean soup: cook seventy-eight minutes after boiling water (five or six minutes in summer), and hold sugar, bad temper, the old anger, myopia, hypertension, high cholesterol, high blood sugar. Livers vegetables: eat raw at dinner PICKLES, put sesame (kidney), put the right amount of vinegar. Yogurt is not good: the ingredient list: milk, sugar, increase coagulation agents, thickeners, preservatives, every day, drink, milk, blood viscosity is not good: the past is good, because in the past was poor, no lavish meals; now the big fish Great meat, then milk, fuel, both only choose one.

six spleen
spleen bad: stool many times a day, dry lips, mouth ulcers, gynecological, prostate problems, infertility, dysmenorrhea, sallow face, raising the spleen: Tofu Festival abroad to drink soy milk, soy milk the foreigners eat Chinese people have changed their eating milk, nutrition had wins, bad. Spleen: fruit (except watermelon), maize, millet injured spleen: drinks,History of the cattle the eighth set of broadcasti (http://www.freeadvertisingzone.com/showthread.php?t=1619020), iced drinks, sweet and spleen, splenic injury too sweet

seven lung
rhinitis Why can not cure, because the nose of light treatment, and root in the lungs, Zhifei can cure. Snoring: not good cardio pulmonary bad: easy to sorrow, a sorrow, lungs worse. Lung injury: less spicy, not too Yangfeihuoxue: night raw turnip radish (raw Yangfeihuoxue, cooked food intestines)
and hearts
tongue is not good: heart liver and spleen is not good, back pain, leg cramps, the top heat, cold heart of the following: a good mood, like, too bad hi compassion Health: Eye relatively straight, not like sports; mood disorder, depression , insomnia, heart care: the main bean, auxiliary drop Firelight date: noon, mixed with bitter to eat raw, sore throat and eat, because the heart of the main tongue, base of the tongue to the throat
nine kidney
kidney: qi, kidney qi deficiency, small fluctuations in the eardrum, hearing a bad idea, fear of renal injury, petrified. Kidney: Primary black beans (black Beans Congee night drinking), auxiliary black sesame seeds, nuts heart gas shortage, swelling above; insufficient kidney,He then told her husband to do this when it! (http://henryanki4.he.funpic.de/viewtopic.php?p=18256#18256), swollen below. Emphysema: Click, will be back edema: Click, a hole, Yang Shen: salty, salty kidney damage, according to their own situation, work properly adjusted.
ten sports five operating ��1�� Yang Xin: the morning after eating breakfast, walking hand-wringing, heart of palm have been the main point, hand-rub cover their eyes, then rub forearms, hands crossed the rub.
��2�� and kidney: the evening, when feet rub the back with two back of the hand.
��3�� Liver: stacked in the pit of the stomach with both hands at the position, clockwise from top-down massage (Shun is the complement, reverse is the vent) transferred five laps. Level from the top down from the middle to push five times, five times as a group, do 10 sets per day, not to think.
��4�� often stressed
stomach bile: stroke with the thumb and index finger to the two legs on the tibia, up and down the line, called long-lived hole, full three years. Hands and fist, knocking both sides of the line outside the pants, there is Gallbladder.
��5�� pinched muscle: Yong Shounie the skin on the spine, from the bottom up and pinch their feet to play.

XI eye problems are liver problems, glaucoma, cataract, net off, etc., myopia vent the anger of the glasses picked. In addition to net off,coach sunglasses (http://www.coachoutletsalesonline.com/coach-sunglasses-c-23.html), the other eye can use this method of treatment: daily food to eat to vent anger, the anger down, and then pour hot water into glass house (not hot to), fill it drops 10 drops 20 drops on vinegar, his eyes on the cup with hot smoked eyes, mouth, and slowly cataract is gone, vinegar is promoting blood circulation of the.
vinegar whitening effect, do not pour too much into the black eye of the

Zhang Wu of the Chinese health:

hour and organs, kidney problems

A, Zhang Wu of the blood sport TCM

1, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, people have two diseases, that is, gas, blood disease.
2, TCM eight principles: cold, hot, inside, outside, imaginary, real, yin and yang. Eight principles of human injustice and easy to get sick.
3, the movement of Chinese medicine: is the luck moving blood. Is the early transfer of heart, lung, late tone the liver, kidney, long tone spleen, stomach, gall bladder.
4, exercise five operations:
�� nourishing the heart, the morning after breakfast, walking setbacks hand,coach sunglasses outlet (http://www.coachoutletsalesonline.com/coach-sunglasses-c-23.html), the palm has a heart is the main blood heat, cover their eyes and hands setback. Zaicuo forearm, left frustrated arm and frustration left arm.
�� and kidney, when the feet at night with two back of the hand Cuoyao.
�� Liver, stacked on the pit of the stomach at the position of his hands, clockwise, from top to bottom around in massage (Shun is the complement, reverse is the vent), transfer 5 laps. From the middle to push the level down on the 5th, is this a day to do 10 group. Mind not to think to think of air pass.
�� long tone stomach bile, with the thumb and index finger to stroke the two legs on the tibia, up and down the line. Called long-lived hole, full three years. Hands and fist, knocking both sides of the line outside the pants, there is Gallbladder.
�� pinch the muscle, fingers pinching the skin on the spine, from bottom to top. After pinching feet.

Second, the hour and the relationship between organ Zhang Wu of the Chinese health

24 hours a day, 12 months a year, is like a 12 is like, 12 hour, 24 solar terms, are justified. An hour every two hours, each hour of work time every organ.
23 �� -1 point: biliary work, the rat, is an old saying timid as a mouse. Bile is a tube head. Yang, such as gall bladder birth to a mouse is small, it is best not to sleep later than this time. Timid as a mouse, bile is a tube head, and work need to think, gall bad mouth often bitter, bile should go down, but to go up, causing the brain to sleep for excitement, gallbladder why the hot ah, utter devotion, anger large gallbladder on the heat, the liver is a reflection of nerve, so called neurasthenia. Inside the night thirsty, hamstring night, why not thirsty during the day it does not cramp, and this is sick symptoms. Apply again and again, when looking at his watch, is not the time pumping it. Why is the blood test the morning Yan Western Yeah, because the liver is working inside the night.
1 �� -3 point: the work of the liver, is a cow,coach women shoes (http://www.coachoutletsalesonline.com/coach-shoes-c-1.html), a bad temper anger Wang, cattle temperament. Headache should be down to hurt the anger. Active liver toxicity peroneal,coach outlet (http://www.coachoutletsalesonline.com/specials.html), deep sleep to Liver.
3 �� -5 points: lung work, is a tiger, tiger mountain heard a call, a large lung capacity. Lungs work, love the Spring and Autumn is the time when the cough cough, before going to bed at night to eat raw turnip dish, cough. Deep sleep.
5 �� -7 points: colorectal work, a rabbit, rabbit grazing, our ancestors told we should eat more vegetables category, eat cereals category. Colon and fit, water, training at this time bowel habits.
7 �� -9 points: stomach work, the dragon, the dragon is crawling with the walking up, gastric motility is, so people have to eat breakfast. Gastric acid secretion waiting for food, eat breakfast the Emperor.
9 �� -11 points: spleen work, snake, snakes are crawling around to go, the spleen and stomach motility to transport and must, drink, digestion and absorption time.
11 �� -13 point: the heart work, a horse, horse run fast, is the blood volume, heart strong and. Body Yangyin conversion is started, close their eyes a rest.
13 �� -15 point: the work of the small intestine, is a sheep, absorption of nutrients. Grass grew up. Small intestine needs nutrition, eating lunch minister.
15 �� -17 points: bladder work, a monkey,Super Summer Youth Ballroom Dance Camp 2010 - Qzon (http://mtdwl.com/vb/showthread.php?t=211506), the monkey jumped about, and bladder urine is stored. Under the monkeys jumping on the string body, drink plenty of water eat fruit.
17 �� -19 points: Renal work, is a chicken, chickens Qiangshen calcium sand stone, black dinner Kidney Beans Congee.
19 �� -21 points: The work of the heart cell, a dog, the dog is protecting the owner, the heart cells to protect the heart. The heart of the main protection dog care, entertainment, pleasure activities.
21 �� -23 points: three cross through the work of the pig, the bed. Three-way cross by a chest contact with the abdomen, diabetes and more of this problems. Triple burner gas transport fluent, calm and ready to break friends.
love sick man in the left and the right woman in love, and why. Chinese medicine, the liver is a liter of gas, gas under lung was, gay love angry, injured liver, the liver on the left, so the man left of the love sick; woman love sorrow, sadness lung, so love sick woman on the right.
face a long beans: the forehead is the heart, the left is the liver, lung, nose is the spleen, the chin is the kidney.
human teeth: four representatives of all teeth to eat meat, and eight front teeth gear is torn, and 20 old teeth, chewing. By the ratio of meat to eat 1 7 copies of anything else.

Third, the problem of calcium: Zhang Wu of the Chinese health

1, first the old man and old bones, old people old before kidney.
2, the kidney is like a chicken, chicken in addition to eating things, to eat stones, calcium stones eating. Egg shell is hard, if chicken calcium, eggshell on soft.
3, black, nuts, kidney beans, black beans and nuts in the highest calcium content.
4, eat something salty will have more sodium, sodium makes blood vessels harden and form of atherosclerosis, so asked us to eat less salt, and calcium can make the body's sodium excretion. Calcium is softening the blood vessels and prevent arteriosclerosis, so the calcium or blood pressure.
5, calcium deficiency disease has a relationship with the 106.
6, seafood, high calcium,coach bags (http://www.coachoutletsalesonline.com/specials.html), such as seaweed, shrimp and so on.
7,coach handbags (http://www.coachoutletsalesonline.com/specials.html), calcium misunderstanding: �� absorption problem: �� eat calcium and more amazing stones: �� absorption rate: �� bone soup calcium: bone soup is not calcium, is to supplement the collagen protein. 50-100 liters per day, not over, or fat will go up.
�� with D: the former said to eat with calcium with D, this is only for children because children do not eat meat, but not the sun, the elderly will produce more D atherosclerosis.
�� brittle bones of calcium to eat more: D will be more brittle bones.
Why do modern people
�� calcium: are the natural growth of the past to eat, and now are spawned.
8, how calcium: �� anything wrong with people who are not :1000-1500 mg / day.
�� a variety of diseases of older persons: Female: 3000 mg / day. M: 4000 mg / day
eg: shrimp calcium in food is the most

08-15-2011, 12:41 AM
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Reprinted from 280908612 at 9:51 on February 26,October 29 - Qzone log (http://mtdwl.com/vb/showthread.php?t=211585),coach sunglasses outlet (http://www.coachoutletsalesonline.com/coach-sunglasses-c-23.html),Huabei Oilfield and famous, but all the headlines (http://www.freeadvertisingzone.com/showthread.php?t=1618995), 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary
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08-15-2011, 12:42 AM
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133770 2008 年 01 月 05 日 07:59 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (2) Category: Personal Diary
Today composition class, we played an interesting game: one mind.
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the second round that I write lyrics, Shen Yi Kang guessing. My eyes a turn,Initiates Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra - Qzone log (http://mtdwl.com/vb/showthread.php?t=211469), immediately wrote Hong Yiting as a knife handle, to touch his neck,coach outlet (http://www.coachoutletsalesonline.com/specials.html), looks good,coach sunglasses (http://www.coachoutletsalesonline.com/coach-sunglasses-c-23.html), it is not standard. Shen Yi-Kang also guess guess half a day a Shen Yi-Kang waited a long time I saw could not guess, is triumphantly smug up,coach wallet (http://www.coachoutletsalesonline.com/coach-wallets-c-28.html), but out Boy, guess it? I wrote the Hong Yiting a mouth moving around, to make a variety of mouth, Shen Yi-Kang said: Really,Peculiar visual effect - Qzone log (http://pinnaclevillaowners.com/simplemachinesforum/index.php?topic=227490.msg264087#msg264087), performing on stage do not know out loud, of course, is Shen Yi-Kang said: Really powerful,How far away from me happiness - Qzone log (http://www.xme.it/forum/index.php?topic=283465.msg396825#msg396825), even my
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