08-13-2011, 02:05 PM
“Many sleepless nights I have spent fretting over the disappointment you have caused me,” Pook said to Regis mbt shoes uk . “And many more I have spent considering how I would mbt repay you!” The door swung open, interrupting Pook’s train of thought. The guildmaster did not have to look up to know who had dared to enter without permission. Only one man in the guild would have such nerve. Rassiter swept into the room and cut an uncomfortably close circle as he inspected the newcomers. “Greetings, Pook,” he said offhandedly, his eyes locking onto the assassin’s stern gaze. Pook said nothing but dropped his chin into his hand to watch. He had anticipated the meeting for a long time. Rassiter stood nearly a foot taller than Entreri, a fact that only added to the wererat’s already cocky attitude. Like so many simpleton bullies, Rassiter often confused size with strength, and looking down at this man who was a legend on the streets of Calimport – and thus his rival – made him think that he had already gained the upper hand. “So cheap mbt , you are the great Artemis Entreri,” he said, contempt evident in his voice. Entreri didn’t blink. Murder was in his eyes as his gaze followed Rassiter, who still circled. Even Regis was dumbfounded at the stranger’s boldness. No one ever moved so casually around Entreri. “Greetings,” Rassiter said at length, satisfied with his scan. He bowed low. “I am Rassiter, Pasha Pook’s closest advisor and controller of the docks.” Still Entreri did not respond. He looked over to Pook for an explanation. The guildmaster returned Entreri’s curious gaze with a smirk and lifted his palms in a helpless gesture. Rassiter carried mbt kisumu his familiarity even further. “You and I,” he half-whispered mbt uk to Entreri, “we can do <a href="http://www.8shoxonline.com/"><strong>Discount Nike Shox</strong></a> great things together.” He started to place a hand on Cheap mbts the assassin’s shoulder, but Entreri turned him back with mbt shoes sale an icy glare, a look so deadly that even cocky Rassiter began to understand the peril of his course. “You may find that I have much to offer you,” Rassiter said, taking a cautious step back. Seeing no response forthcoming, he turned to Pook. “Would you like me to take care of the little thief?” he asked, grinning his yellow smile. “That one is mine, Rassiter,” Pook replied firmly. “You and yours keep your furry hands off him!” Entreri did not miss the reference. “Of course,” Rassiter replied. “I have business, then. I will be going.” He bowed quickly and spun to leave, meeting Entreri’s eyes one final time. He could not hold that icy stare – could mbt online not match the sheer intensity of the assassin’s gaze – with his own. Rassiter shook his head in disbelief as he passed, convinced that Entreri still had not blinked. “You were gone. My pendant was gone,” Pook explained when the door closed again. “Rassiter has helped me retain, even expand, the strength of the guild.” “He is a wererat,” Entreri remarked, as if that fact alone ended any argument. “Head of their guild,” Pook replied, “but they are loyal enough and easy to control.” He held up the ruby pendant. “Easier now.” Entreri had trouble coming to terms with that, even in light of Pook’s futile attempt at an explanation. He wanted time to consider the new development, to figure out just how much things had changed around the guildhouse. “My room?” he asked. LaValle shifted uncomfortably and glanced mbt kisumu <a href="http://www.8shoxonline.com/products_all.html"><strong>Nike Shox Mens Shoes</strong></a> down at Pook. “I have been using it,” the wizard stammered, “but quarters are being built for me.” He looked to the door newly cut into the wall between the harem and Entreri’s old buy mbt shoes room. “They should be completed any day. I can be out of your room in minutes.” “No need,” Entreri replied, thinking the arrangements better as they were. He wanted cheap mbt shoes some space from Pook for a while, anyway, to better assess the situation before him and plan his next moves. “I will find a room below, where I might better understand the new ways of the guild.” LaValle relaxed with an audible sigh. Entreri picked Regis up by the collar. “What am I to do with mbt shoes clearance this one?” Pook crossed his arms over his chest and cocked his head. “I have thought of a million tortures befitting your crime,” he said to Regis. “Too many, I see, for, truly, I have no idea of how to properly repay you for what you have done to me.” He looked back to Entreri. “No matter,” he chuckled. “It will come to me. Put him in the Cells of Nine.” Regis went limp again at the mention of the imfamous dungeon. Pook’s favorite holding cell, it was a horror chamber normally reserved for thieves who killed other members of the guild. Entreri smiled to see the halfling so terrified at the mere mention of the place. He easily lifted Regis off the floor and carried him out of the room. “That did not go well,” LaValle said when Entreri had left. “It went splendidly!” Pook disagreed cheap mbt . “I have never seen Rassiter so unnerved, and the sight of it proved infinitely more pleasurable than I ever imagined!” “Entreri will kill him if he is not careful,” LaValle observed grimly. Pook seemed amused by the thought. “Then we should learn who is likely to succeed Rassiter.” He looked up at LaValle. “Fear not, my friend. Rassiter is a survivor. He has called the street his home for his mbt shoes australia entire life <a href="http://www.8shoxonline.com/"><strong>Cheap Nike Shox Shoes</strong></a> and knows when to scurry into the safety of shadows. He will learn his place around Entreri, and he will show the assassin proper respect.” But LaValle wasn’t thinking of Rassiter’s safety – he had often entertained thoughts of disposing of the wretched wererat himself. What concerned the mbt anti shoe wizard was the possibility of a deeper rift in the guild. “What if Rassiter turns the power of his allies against Entreri?” he asked in a tone even more grim. “The street war that would ensue would split the guild in half.” Pook dismissed the possibility with a wave of his hand. “Even Rassiter is not mbts outlet that stupid,” he answered, fingering the ruby pendant, an insurance policy he might just need. LaValle relaxed, satisfied with his master’s assurances and with Pook’s ability to handle the delicate situation. As usual, Pook was right, LaValle realized. Entreri had unnerved the wererat with a simple stare, to the possible benefit of all involved. Perhaps now, Rassiter would act more appropriately for his rank in the guild. And with Entreri soon to be quartered <a href="http://roleparty.com/blog/blog.php?do=showone&uid=11055&type=blog&itemid=1394793"><strong>To be able to reach your aim in the shoe selling business online ...</strong></a> on this very level, perhaps the intrusions of the filthy wererat would come less often. Yes, it was good to cheap mbt have Entreri back. * * * The Cells of Nine were so named because of the nine cells cut into the center of a chamber’s floor, three abreast and mbt shoes sale three long. Only the center cell was ever unoccupied; the other eight held Pasha Pook’s most treasured collection: great hunting cats from every corner of the Realms. Entreri handed Regis over to the jailor, a masked giant of a man, then stood back to watch the show. 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