08-09-2011, 11:29 AM
长时间的保持一个动作,自然会出现了背部和腰部的疼痛,这种趋势越来越年轻化了,你知道健身操能缓解背部的 疼痛吗?
人们普遍认为,椎间盘突出或滑脱,自然会引起疼痛。这种观点其实是错误的。一项调查表明,椎间盘错位跟年龄 有关。也就是说,在30岁的人中有30%、50岁的人中有50%有椎间盘错位现象。而他们中很多人对此还毫 无所知,因为这是不伴随疼痛的错位,造成背部疼痛的原因是退化和劳损。对于30~55岁的背部疾患者,倘若 能坚持做背部健身操,ad收腹运动机正品 (,就能有效地预防或推迟背部疼痛的到来。
增加下腹部力量 仰卧,举腿,直到大腿与腹部垂直。小腿要与大腿成直角。努力把大腿垂直上举,直到臀部微离地面,但背部不能 离开地面。
抻拉下背部 平躺,弯曲膝盖,双手紧抱膝盖并往肩部运动。头部不可离地。这样就能抻拉腰部。稍休息后,再重 复此动作。
伸展背部 用手和膝盖撑地。将左臂和右腿同时水平伸直,ad收腹运动机批发 (,保持这个姿势5~10秒钟,然后将手和脚收回,ad收腹运动机批发 (。身体保持不动。然后换另一侧再做。
抻拉臀部肌肉 仰卧,举起双腿。将一条腿架到另一条腿的膝盖上。双手抱住大腿,将膝盖和脚往胸部方向拉动,直到臀部和大腿 外侧有抻拉感觉为止。保持这个姿势10秒钟。重复做这一动作。
锻炼肩部肌肉 跪立,膝盖着地,低头,收下颌,直到出现双下巴为止。将手臂向两侧上举,然后小臂弯曲于头后,胳膊肘成直角 ,ad收腹运动机厂家 (。再将头、手、肘、上臂向下往腰腹部方向拉动,ad收腹运动机二代 (,让肌肉保持几秒钟紧张状态。
08-09-2011, 11:51 AM
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2134419 2010年05月02日 22:08 阅读(loading...) 评论(0) 分类:个人日记
今天参加了姑妈的追悼会,air force 1 shoes (,简单却让人感伤,cheap air force one (!本来所有的亲友都想按风俗给她办葬礼的,但姑妈生前有交代,不能大搞,只要通知亲友开个简单的追悼会就 行了,还怕吓到邻居,不让把遗体运回宗祠。听妈妈说,姑妈去世前一天除了交代自己的身后事,还自己在那安慰 所有探望的亲人,叫大家不要太难过,生老病死是自然循环,light up shoes for men (,这让所有人都为之感动,nike air force ones (。爷爷奶奶甚至是要躲在病房门口痛哭,这几天也没人敢在爷爷面前提姑妈,就怕老人家受不了伤心过度出问题 。
希望爷爷能早日调整好情绪不要伤了自己的身体,也希望姑丈、表姐、表哥能早日脱离悲伤,我想姑妈最想看到的 ,air force one shoes (,就是大家都能幸福健康的生活下去。前天晚上,我有看到家乡满天的星空,当时就有一种感觉,姑妈在对着我 们微笑。亲人的离开,让我们都更懂得去珍惜身边的一却,就像一首歌里的歌词一样“花开花落,我一样会珍惜” !!!!!
08-09-2011, 11:51 AM
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understand regret to understand many things in life
always imagined more beautiful than reality, meet and if so, parting is the same, when the reality situation is not ideal circumstances in accordance with the development of the facts appear inconsistent with the aspirations of the outcome, the regret will be created. Unfortunately, to highlight the tragic feeling, and gave and left behind a tragic eternal power, and perhaps living away too much, but he left behind patches of truth. Unfortunately, there have been people, must feel deeply the pain of the people, so will the real people who lived, to pay off the real heart, with their actions over to the true interpretation of pure emotion, exciting, and emotion.
all miss the same time as the missing, can not get back, just missing a little bit, you will miss too many, and perhaps also miss the life,mbt shoes uk (, leaving life-long regret, and sometimes we could easily have, however, allows the It is slipping away, and remember watching a TV drama regret less, only regret, perhaps the greatest tragedy the world's people can not hand the two fell in love for life, but it is because of regret, would only become increasingly valuable friend and brother, both immersed in the bone marrow and transcendent eternity. Another example is the love story Butterfly Lovers, should they really came together, Zhao Zhao and evening twilight, forever, life together, then how can there be eternal farewell of the Sad?
do not have to give up no less than say what, since it has no choice, and good things are too much, we can not all have been, but has not his own things, no longer expect anything, missed the chance of people always leave something, a familiar one in that picture, the fading taste of a variety of emotions, in that one vivid story, more like an ellipsis on it painted, but was forced in the fate of the helpless paint it a full stop, in the lofty space in the hope that the Red, dark wash but Qianhua after injury, will always be with other strangers.
fact, there are many emotions from beginning to end, regardless of the outcome, I think if you had this so it could have been so shook the feeling of the mind, which has always been a rich, warm feeling of a mineral, a the most massive species have life, after all, have exchanged each other's happiness and loneliness, not to bad, people gotta wake up to face everything. The impermanence of this world, the passage of time, such as dream, the dream and the promise was like a wind drift, such as leaves to an unknown place, but I always believe it when the original is from the heart.
like to listen to Hsu Yu-teng song so, never say goodbye the day, it may be too soft young heart, can not withstand the wind can not withstand the waves, if I could return to yesterday, today, I will compromise on their own, I am waiting for a minute, maybe the next minute, see you're eyes, I will not let the sad tears covered your face; I am waiting for a minute, maybe the next minute,mbt lami (, if you really have hurt me, I will tell you my chest is still warm, which I was not let into parting forever.
Sometimes, really fantasy time to do it all over,cheap mbt shoes (, like that, then you can re-select all, face the same place time will not repeat the same story, would not go that mentality, but would like to had not, if not experienced regret, how to know how to cherish? If not, sorry, how can be so profound, and Mingxinkegu's to remember a person? There are many things must be experienced before you can understand, with regret, only fragments that can be recalled, have a life we can not forget something, it resonates in my heart.
in each person's work, life, learning will be more or less regret, I do not think many people will like it, but it is indeed the harvest of life, you can enter the heart and silent, as long the wings, in the vast world of free flying spirit. It can be a good memory, it can be painful suffering, to bring people to life more and more profound insights. Has not experienced regret in life is not complete, unfortunately, is a touching beauty, the beauty of a broken, because it will be more beauty in this world worthy of all praise; because of it, life will be more worth pondering; Because of it,mbt chapa (, there is a horizon of the study to flee. Life is just one of
sea chestnut, yet carries too much last resort and everything from the first, not willing or not to live has always been reluctant to matter whether a fancy to imagine the mystery, because they do not know the final answers, they can only go forward step by step. Life will encounter a lot of moving fate, inadvertently meet by chance, but found that you can give a lot, and missed a simple encounter can also bears the clear mark in the mind. All go away, your heart gets cold, even torn camouflage out of the cold, looking through the clutter of your footprint, think you have a little bit, and today only what your shadow lingering in my mind, how could I forget You have given me beautiful?
understand regret to understand life, the experience later, we will learn a lot, learned a lot,mbt uk (, but also more mature now. Her life, will not always have lush trees, colorful flowers, beautiful butterflies flying bee dance scene, it must also have blocked the front of the mountains and desolate desert; will not always have the sun illuminated the colors, there will be cloudy when the dense fog; life is not only a brilliant smile, there will be silent tears, who can not easily cross.
understand regret to understand life, will experience regret is the way of life, but still I hope people will be less regrettable,mbt sport shoes (, especially those who hope that the two really love each other can be happy long life together. Life is not perfect, life is not perfect, there will always regret and incomplete, over the years through wind and rain, it was found has lost something very precious, do not get something very valuable, but the most precious thing the world to grasp the opportunity to value this watery fleeting, even if the face is not in the future, at least you can say to yourself:
08-09-2011, 11:52 AM
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