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07-27-2011, 11:48 AM
We --" "Too far,复件 (4) 复件 air max1 (http://www.freeadvertisingzone.com/showthread.php?p=2438580#post2438580)," Blueshell and Ravna spoke almost in chorus. "Yes,plate bending rolls (http://www.topmonstershop.com/), yes, but remember. The Sjandra Kei worlds are mainly human, your home, my lady Ravna. And Blueshell and I know them well; after all, they were the source of the crypto shipment we brought to Relay. We have friends there and you a family. Even Blueshell agrees that we can get the work done without notice there." "Yes, if we could get there." Blueshell's voder voice sounded petulant. "Okay, what are the other choices?" "They are not so well-known. I'll make a list." Her fronds drifted across a console. "Our last chance for choice is rather near our planned course. It's a single system civilization. The Net name is ... it translates as Harmonious Repose." "Rest in Peace, eh?" said Pham. But they had agreed to voyage on quietly, always watching the bad drive spines, postponing the decision to stop for help. The days became weeks, and weeks slowly counted into months. Four voyagers on a quest toward the Bottom. The drive became worse, but slowly, right on OOB's diagnostic projections. The Blight continued to spread across the Top of the Beyond, and its attacks on Network archives extended far beyond its direct reach. Communication with Jefri was improving. Messages trickled in at the rate of one or two a day. Sometimes, when OOB's antenna swarm was tuned just right, he and Ravna would talk almost in real time. Progress was being made on the Tines' world, faster than she had expected -- perhaps fast enough that the boy could save himself. It should have been a hard time, locked up in the single ship with just three others, with only a thread of communication to the outside,复件 (88) air max (http://www.fearlesscomrades.com/pg/displayimage.php?pos=-33), and that with a lost child. In any case, it was rarely boring. Ravna found that each of them had plenty to do. For herself it was managing the ship's library, coaxing out of it the plans that would help Mr. Steel and Jefri. OOB's library was nothing compared to the Archive at Relay,复件 (89) air max2 (http://lasmurgas.org/fotos/displayimage.php?pos=-3), or even the university libraries at Sjandra Kei, but without proper search automation it could be just as unknowable. And as their voyage proceeded, that automation need more and more special care. And ... things could never be boring with Pham around. He had a dozen projects,复件 (93) air max2 (http://www.freeadvertisingzone.com/showthread.php?p=2438570#post2438570), and curiosity about everything. "Voyaging time can be a gift," he'd say. "Now we have time to catch ourselves up,复件 (46) air max2 (http://www.freeadvertisingzone.com/showthread.php?p=2438560#post2438560), time to get ready for whatever we find ahead." He was learning Samnorsk. It went slower than his ########d learning on Relay, but the guy had a natural bent for languages, and Ravna gave him plenty of practice. He spent several hours each day in the OOB's workshop, often with Blueshell. Reality graphics were a new thing to him, but after a few weeks he was beyond toy prototypes. The pressure suits he built had power packs and weapons stores. "We don't know what things may be like when we arrive; powered armor could be real useful." At the end of each work day they would all meet on the command deck, to compare notes, to consider the latest from Jefri and Mr. Steel, to review the drive status. For Ravna this could be the happiest time of the day ... and sometimes the hardest. Pham had rigged the display automation to show castle walls all around. A huge fireplace replaced the normal window on comm status. The sound of it was almost perfect; he had even coaxed a small amount of "fire" heat from that wall. This was a castle hall out of Pham's memory, from Canberra he said. But it wasn't that different from the Age of Princesses on Nyjora (though most of those castles had been in tropical swamps, where big fireplaces were rarely used).

07-27-2011, 12:35 PM
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