View Full Version : 公交司机获乘客同意开车送流产孕妇就医 13681713577

07-27-2011, 07:12 AM
  昨天上午7点左右,中北巴士公司8路车队的王朝辉驾驶一辆公交车,从燕子矶车站出发,驶往江苏路。因为 是始发站,又是早高峰时段,在该站上车的乘客特别多,公交车上的座位很快坐满。就当王朝辉发动公交车,准备 起步时,一名穿着孕妇服的女子上了车。


  昨天早高峰期间,南京一辆从燕子矶开往江苏路方向的8路公交车上,女司机和众乘客一起谱写了一曲爱心赞 歌。开公交车18年的王朝辉昨天第一次遇到车上孕妇大出血的情况,但她临危不乱,在征得全车乘客同意后,果 断将公交车直接开往医院。因为入院及时,虽然胎儿流产了,但孕妇终于平安了。

  不久,孕妇的家人也赶到医院。王朝辉向她家人简单交代了情况后,回了公交车,手机监听卡购 买 (http://www.sj25577.com)。
  因担架周围只需要四五个人,孕妇被抬上担架后,先前留下来的部分乘客就自行离开了,但仍有两位先生和一 位大妈,以及两位女子一起推着担架,送孕妇进了医院。在把孕妇交给医护人员后,这几位乘客才转 身离开。
  王朝辉说,按照公司的规定,这种情况一般是靠边停车,立即停止正常运营,然后报警并拨打120求助,同 时向车队汇报。可因当时情况紧急,加之发生意外的孕妇虽然是急需救治,但又不属于那种重伤不能随意搬动的病 人,为了不耽误时间,她选择了直接开车去医院。


  昨天下午两点多,王朝辉下班后特意到迈皋桥医院看望了那名孕妇。“她腹中胎儿只有四个月大,虽然医院全 力救治,但胎儿还是流产了。”王朝辉说,她开公交车18年了,还是第一次遇到孕妇在车上出现意 外。
  虽然流产孕妇家人心情不是很好,但仍然多次向王朝辉致谢。流产的孕妇躺在病床上见王朝辉来探望,激动地 紧紧抓住她的手,好久才松开。

  王朝辉加大油门,往医院方向开去。没几分钟,公交车就停在了迈皋桥医院大门附近。在此期间,有乘客帮助 孕妇联系上了家人。

  王朝辉回到车上发现,孕妇坐过的那个座位上全是血,公交车上也到处是血。“我回到车上时,跟着我一起帮 助孕妇的那些乘客都纷纷离去了。”王朝辉说,她把车开到江苏路终点站后,跟车队领导说明情况,并让洗车工把 公交车清洁了一遍,就继续回到线路运营。
  王朝辉让几位女乘客帮助照顾孕妇,自己一边回驾驶室,一边征求车上乘客的意见,“车上的孕妇急需救治, 下一站是迈皋桥广场站,我就不停车了,直接把车开到迈皋桥医院去,你们看行不?”车上乘客都没意见,让司机 赶紧开车。


  王朝辉听到喊声,手机窃听器货到付款 (http://www.sj656.com),立即靠边停车,并过去察看孕妇的情况。“我这个年纪的人,这方面还是有一定 经验的,我过去观察一下,初步判断这名孕妇不是生产,而是身体出现了问题。”王朝辉说。

  值得称道的是,在整个过程中,所有乘客没人有二话,多名乘客主动留下全程照看孕妇,直到医 护人员接手。

  “当时是早上7点半左右,医院门诊还没开门,只有急诊的挂号窗口开着。”王朝辉说,当时挂号窗口的人让 她去找值班保安,请保安帮助联系妇产科医生,手机窃听器是真的吗 (http://www.sj943.com)。

  “司机,车上有一名孕妇快要生孩子了!看她那样子肚子很难受,而且见红了。”公交车行驶到迈皋桥好又多 超市附近时,不知哪位乘客大喊。
  因公交车无法进入医院,王朝辉把车停在附近慢车道上后,让车上有急事的乘客转乘其他车辆。“当时有将近 10位乘客留下来帮忙,这是我没想到的。”王朝辉称,见有人照顾孕妇,她立即冲下公交车,奔向医院 。

  “当时情况紧急,我简单说了情况后,从急诊室推了一副带着轮子的担架就往门外走。”王朝辉回忆,后来急 诊室的一位挂号的人听说后,立即跟了出来帮忙。

  孕妇的担架随后进了医院大门。妇产科医生也很快赶到,见孕妇出血较多,医生让担架直接进了 产房。

  很快,王朝辉和那位帮忙的好心人将担架推到了公交车附近。“我吩咐车上的乘客小心把孕妇抬到担架上后, 又立即掉头去医院找医生。”等她第二次回到急诊室,挂号处的工作人员称,已联系上妇产科医生,正在赶往急诊 室。
  据迈皋桥医院妇产科医生介绍,孕妇幸亏入院及时才平安无事,只要休息一段时间,身体就会完 全康复。

  留下来帮忙的乘客蒋女士回忆,当时那辆8路公交车上,大多数是赶着去上班的人。“我以为只是几个老太太 留下来帮忙,没想到好几个年轻人也留下了,还有几个男的。”蒋女士称,后来抬孕妇上担架时,全靠那几名留下 的男乘客。

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07-27-2011, 08:33 AM
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Reprinted from 44010342 at 18:02 on December 18 2005 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Emotional World Four
week later, I replaced the small buildings to divorce certificates marriage certificate. Out of the door to the court, I am a bit dazed, as if everything is not true. Sunny, the air is also filled with a strange taste. Pressure of the heavy clouds seemed to heavy pressure in the heart we did not speak. Yu Ding was the first to say: I want to cry, is a sudden emotion. Until now,air force 1 shoes (http://www.sportairshoes.com/), all come to realize a dream, and I actually do not know where he was. Back to the room that shared my life, I would pick up his own clothing. I want to book a Ding Yu left, but that he refused. Outside, shortness of trumpets sounded. Xu Yong came. I step to the door, took a deep breath, closed his eyes. This room will have that familiar smell from strange, and my mood was chaotic, such as hemp, I do not know where to order.
Suddenly, Ding Yu stopped me and handed me a box. I asked to see who he was, did not take. His face has emerged in the past that rapid: Looked out the window, the weather was gloomy terrible. Although only five p.m. and more, but already, such as night fell. Hanging lamp inexplicable shaking up, and then they went out a few seconds. I have no reason winced. Horn has sounded outside the house. Lights went out. Flickering a few times, sent once a light bulb, after struggling to completely off. At that Yi Sha, I actually saw Ding Yu cheeks drawn to tears. Housing drastic shake up. Everything is so sudden. Only a few seconds of silence,nike air force 1 (http://www.sportairshoes.com/), like a house just like a frying pan, voices, all kinds of mess will be pushed to my extreme horror. Susu on the ceiling plaster fell off. More intense the house shake. I feel the world would end.
a pair of strong arms hold me close, low and calm voice sound in my ears: faintly heard the sound outside the car to start. Ding Yu protected me, and explore the open door, I shouted: I have to shake houses stand, and Xu Yong far as to disregard me and made me feel so cold to escape first, full of despair are being deceived. The darkness,nike air force one low (http://www.sportairshoes.com/air-force-1-classic-high-shoes-c-15.html), a heavy pressure in my legs, under pain I cried again. Then we heard the bang Ding Yu Menheng.
my fear dominated all thinking, start incoherent: I tentatively began to call for Ding Yu. Dark, clear voice of the small buildings came:
Ding Yu did not answer, half a day, with a sigh: we go out, my legs were pinned. I think they have quickly collapsed.

Although he did not understand why in this critical time of it, but I honest answer. I panic, anxiously asked: Panic,air force one shoes (http://www.sportairshoes.com/), I'm struggling with the body, leg pain instant impact on the brain, and I look faint.
I do not know how long, I woke up leisurely. Opened his eyes, still dark. The clutches of fear as a huge catch my body, I am extremely loudly calling for help Ding Yu. A long time, only to hear the faint sound of Ding Yu: cry, cry ah! .
Ding Yu did not answer. I panic, my heart beat violently. Oh, I ... ... I do not sleep ... I want to stay with you ... ... ... ... ... ... until dawn,air force one low (http://www.sportairshoes.com/air-force-1-classic-high-shoes-c-15.html), A fire burning in my chest up, head emerging ago we fell in love and married the scene. Although always so plain, but now I realize that this flat was actually less real and valuable. I have been self-sad, do not understand their own pursuit of happiness in these extraordinary in breeding. And I, until the death of diplomatic relations when found. the dark, endless silence. The cold air in the overflowing of the smell of death.
huge bite crazy regret my heart, that I drill into the bone marrow of the pain does not come out to vent, but can not stop the tears. I knew that with his life to save my man, is so deep in love with me. However, he was actually the love of his life so I really appreciate it! Yu Ding endless grief seemed to himself, but complain it is extremely weak.
... ... cure my drink, I ... ... ... ... or ... my next life ... or will find ... ... ... ... I completely regret piercing collapsed.
Speranskia's silence secretly cold, only endless grief I can not stop. I do not know how many hours, I finally was rescued from the wreckage. Eyes, is my life will never forget the picture. Side of the wall collapsed buildings tightly suppress the D 大半个身子, only the left arm and head still out. Under the body in the small buildings, a large beach with blood had become brown. Ding Yu front of my face is still lying in the direction of a smile, appears ready to continue to appease my fears. Pale face, such as sculpture, a pair of never rolling into the eyes.
my chest like a hammer hit by jin, suddenly threw herself beside him, holding his head, exhausted body strength screams: ,air force one low nike (http://www.sportairshoes.com/air-force-1-classic-high-shoes-c-15.html), But I can not sleep forever back to the small buildings. Ambulance personnel all around the tears.
month later, when Xu Yong holding flowers in the hospital, my face was still the flowers to his face. Bedside, is a pile of scattered manuscripts, is written in his spare time Yu Ding a
Xu Yong
I did not scold, I do not want the soul of his despicable insult to my arms, Ding Yu. Yes, my arms D buildings - urn. He said, my arms is his final destination. I want him to still find my next life. Tears falling drop by drop in the black box. That which is unique in my life.
... ..............( End )................