View Full Version : Hogan prezzi The use of geodetic data inversion do

07-26-2011, 12:47 AM
,Abercrombie france Alternating direction implicit FDTD algor (http://352228.com/view.php?id=449390),Hogan prezzi (http://www.hogan-sito.org)
The use of geodetic data inversion double the 1976 Tangshan earthquake fault dislocation model

899. 349.09 × 1O terrain changes such as Zhang Li (198913O8222271.24 × 1O this seismic results 7878173.9l0.02O2171l8. 093931.53 × i027 terrain changes ( single off the repeated text mode 1 Bong results 809163198161450.200l18139. 31.39 × lO terrain changes (double fault mode) would like to thank Huang LR researcher of this study support and guidance