05-25-2011, 05:29 PM
a basic router configuration, the basic setting mode
Second, order status
three, set the process of dialogue
four, five
commonly used commands, configure IP addressing
VI configuration static routing
Chapter set
a WAN protocol, HDLC
Second, PPP
three, X.25
four, Frame Relay
five, ISDN
six, PSTN Chapter
a routing protocol set, RIP protocol
II, IGRP protocol
III, OSPF protocol
four, five
redistribution routing, IPX protocol settings
fourth quality of service and access control Chapter
one priority setting
II agreement, the queue custom
Third, access control
Chapter virtual LAN (VLAN) routing
a virtual LAN (VLAN )
II, Inter-Switch Link (ISL) protocol
Third, virtual LAN (VLAN) routing instance
a basic router configuration, the basic setting mode
In general, you can use the 5 ways to set up the router:
1. Console port connection terminal or PC running terminal emulation software;
2. AUX port connection MODEM, the phone line and remote terminal or PC running terminal emulation software is connected;
3. On the TFTP server through the Ethernet;
4. Ethernet on the TELNET program through;
5. SNMP network management via Ethernet on the workstation.
the first set but the router must be carried out by the first method, when the terminal's hardware setup is as follows:
Baud Rate: 9600
data bits: 8
stop bit: 1
Parity: None
Second, the command state
1. router>
router at the user command state, then the user can see the router's connection status, access to other networks and hosts, but can not see and change the contents of the router settings.
2. router #
in the router> prompt, type enable, router, enter privileged command state router #,GHD Green Butterfly 2011 (http://www.ghdhairnz.net/ghd-green-butterfly-2011.html), then not only can perform all the user commands, you can see the router settings and change the content.
3. router (config) #
at the router # prompt, type configure terminal,GHD Carry Case & Heat Mat (http://www.ghdhairnz.net/ghd-carry-case-heat-mat-straighteners.html), a prompt router (config) #, then set the router in a global state, then you can set the router's global parameters.
4. router (config-if) #; router (config-line) #; router (config-router) #; ...
router in the local setting mode, then you can set the router to a local parameter.
router is RXBOOT state,GHD Red Butterfly 2011 (http://www.ghdhairnz.net/ghd-red-butterfly-2011.html), within 60 seconds after turning on press ctrl-break to enter this state, when the normal function of the router can not be completed, only the software upgrade and manual guidance.
Settings dialog state
This is a new router to automatically enter the state, the state use the SETUP command in privileged commands can be entered this state,GHD MK4 Kiss Straighteners (http://www.ghdhairnz.net/ghd-kiss-hair-straightener.html), then dialogue can be set on the router.
Third, set the process of dialogue prompts
global parameter setting interface parameters set
dialogue process can be avoided by setting the tedious manual input commands, but it can not completely replace the manual settings, special settings must also be accomplished through manual input.
enter the settings dialogue process, the router will first show some tips:
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
At any point you may enter a question mark? for help.
Use ctrl -c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt.
Default settings are in square brackets [].
tell you this is the process of dialogue in the settings anywhere you can type -c to exit the setup process, the default setting will be displayed in the '[]' in. Then the router will ask whether to enter the Settings dialog:
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [Yes]:
If you press y or Enter to set the router will enter the dialogue process. First of all you can see the current status of each port:
First, would you like to see the current interface summary? [Yes]:
Any interface listed with OK? Value
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
Ethernet0 unassigned NO unset up up
Serial0 unassigned NO unset up up
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Then, the router began to set global parameters:
Configuring global parameters:
1. Set the router name:
Enter host name [Router]:
2. Set into the privileged status of the cipher text (secret), the cipher text will not be clear later in the set display:
The enable secret is a one-way cryptographic secret used
instead of the enable password when it exists.
Enter enable secret: cisco
3. Set the password to enter privileged status (password), this password only work when there is no ciphertext, and set the future will be displayed in clear text:
The enable password is used when there is no enable secret
and when using older software and some boot images.
Enter enable password: pass
4. Set the password for virtual terminal access:
Enter virtual terminal password: cisco
5. Asked if you want to set the router to support a variety of network protocols:
Configure SNMP Network Management? [Yes]:
Configure DECnet? [No]:
Configure AppleTalk? [No]:
Configure IPX? [no]:
Configure IP? [yes]:
Configure IGRP routing? [yes]:
Configure RIP routing? [no]:
... ... ...
6. If you configure a dial-up access servers, the system will set the parameters of the asynchronous port:
Configure Async lines? [Yes]:
1) Set the maximum line speed:
Async line speed [9600]:
2) whether to use hardware flow control:
Configure for HW flow control? [yes]:
3) is set to modem:
Configure for modems? [yes / no]: yes
4 ) whether to use the default modem command:
Configure for default chat s cript? [yes]:
5) is set to PPP asynchronous port parameters:
Configure for Dial-in IP SLIP / PPP access? [ ,],[]: yes
whether to use TCP header compression:
Configure for TCP Header Compression? [yes]:
9) whether the use of asynchronous port routing table updates:
Configure for routing updates on async links? [no]: y
10) is set to other protocols on the asynchronous port.
Next, the system will set the parameters for each interface.
1. Configuring interface Ethernet0:
1) whether to use this interface:
Is this interface in use? [Yes]:
2) is set for this interface IP parameters:
Configure IP on this interface? [ ,],[,],[following configuration command s cript was created:
hostname Router
enable secret 5 $ 1 $ W5Oh $ p6J7tIgRMBOIKVXVG53Uh1
enable password pass
... ... ... ...
Please note that in the enable secret behind the display is garbled and the enable password is set behind the display contents.
Show end, the system will ask whether to use this setting:
Use this configuration? [yes / no]: yes
If you answer yes, the system will result in the setting in the router's NVRAM, Then set the end of the dialogue process so that the router start to work properly.
four commonly used commands
1. help
operation in the IOS, regardless of any state and location, you can type
task of changing the order status into the privileged command command
state enable
privileged commands exit into the set state disable
dialogue state setup
into the global setting out the state config terminal
set state end
into the global port settings state interface type slot / number
port is set to enter sub-state interface type number.subinterface [point-to-point | multipoint]
into the line to set the state line type slot / number
route set into the state router protocol
set out the local state exit
task command shows the command and guidance information
View version show version
View Run set show running-config
See the Power settings show startup-config
Show port information show interface type slot / number
display routing information show ip router
4. copy of the IOS and the CONFIG command
for backup and upgrade
task command network command
log the remote host telnet hostname | IP address
network to detect ping hostname | IP address
trace route trace hostname | IP address
6 .
the basic task of the command set command to set config terminal
set global access to the user and password username username password password
set password enable secret password
privileges to set the router to set the static name hostname name
routing ip route destination subnet-mask next-hop
start IP routing ip routing
start IPX routing ipx routing
port set interface type slot / number
set IP address ip address address subnet-mask
set the IPX network ipx network network
active port no shutdown
physical line set line type number
start the login process login [local | tacacs server]
set password password password
five configuration IP addressing
1. IP address classification
IP address network and host addresses are divided into two parts, A class of 8-bit address for the network address before and after 24 as the host address, B address of 16 bits for the class network address, 16-bit as the host address, C class address before the 24-bit for the network address, 8 bits for host addresses, network address range as follows:
type network address range to
A and effective retention
B to and effective retention
C to effective and 223.255. 255.0 reservations
D to for multicast
E to reserved for broadcast
assigned the task command interface to IP address
interface set interface type slot / number
set the IP address of the interface ip address ip-address mask
cover M (mask) used to identify the IP address of network address bits, IP address (ip-address ) and mask (mask) phase is obtained network address.
using variable length subnet mask Variable length subnet mask by using a can in the same network number of different interfaces to use a different network mask, this can save IP addresses full use of a valid IP address space.
as shown below:
Router1 and Router2 the E0 port are using the C class address as the network address, Router1's E0 network address, mask, Router2's E0 network address, mask, this will be a Class C network address assigned to the two networks, both by the two subnets, played a role in saving the address.
4. using Network Address Translation (NAT)
NAT (Network Address Translation) play translated into the internal private address outside global address legitimate function, it makes not a legitimate IP address of the user can access through NAT to the external Internet.
the time when the establishment of the internal network, we recommend using the following address for the host group, the address is the Network Working Group (RFC 1918) are reserved for private network address assignment.
& # 61548 ;; Class A: to
; Class B: to
; Class C: to
command described as follows:
task command
define a standard access list access-list access-list-number permit source [source-wildcard]
defines a global address pool ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip prefix-length prefix-length [type rotary]
create a dynamic address translation ip nat inside source {list access-list-number pool name [overload] | static local-ip global-ip}
specify the internal and external ports ip nat inside
as shown below,
router's Ethernet 0 port is inside the port, that this port to connect the internal network, and this port is connected network should be translated, Serial 0 port outside the port, which has a valid IP address (by the NIC or service provider assigned legal IP address), the host from the network from the IP address pool c2501 select an address as their legal address, via Serial 0 口 access to Internet. Command ip nat inside source list 2 pool c2501 overload the parameter overload, multiple internal addresses will be allowed to use the same global address (a valid IP address, it is the NIC or service provider from the assigned address). Command ip nat pool c2501 netmask global address range is defined.
settings are as follows:
ip nat pool c2501 netmask
interface Ethernet 0
ip address
ip nat inside
interface Serial 0
ip address
ip nat outside
ip route Serial 0
access-list 2 permit 10.0. 0.0
! Dynamic NAT
ip nat inside source list 2 pool c2501 overload
line console 0
exec-timeout 0 0
line vty 0 4
six, configure a static route
configure static routes,GHD Straighteners NZ (http://www.ghdhairnz.net/), the user can specify artificially when a network access path to go through the network structure is relatively simple, and generally at a certain network The only path through which static routing, under the circumstances.
task order
create static routes ip route prefix mask address [distance] [tag tag] [permanent]
Prefix: The purpose of the network to reach
mask: subnet mask
address: the next hop IP address,GHD Blue Straighteners (http://www.ghdhairnz.net/ghd-blue-hair-straightener.html), that is adjacent to the port address of the router.
interface: the local network interface
distance: administrative distance (optional)
tag tag: tag value (optional)
permanent: even if the port specified off this route is not definite displacement.
set on following in Router1 access the network address of the next hop, that is when the destination address is the network-wide data reported, it should be routed to the address adjacent router to Set on a visit to the Router3 and these two networks as the next hop address Because the port Serial 0 on Router1 address, / 30 belongs to this network directly connected network, has access to path exists, so do not need to add a static route Router1.
ip route
ip route
ip route 192.1 .0.65
the same time as the router connected to Router2 Router3 addition to the router, but no longer connected with the other routers, so it can also give a default route to replace the above two static routing,
ip route 0.0. 0.0
in the routing table as long as they do not find the path to a specific destination address, the data are routed to the adjacent router address is
a basic router configuration, the basic setting mode
Second, order status
three, set the process of dialogue
four, five
commonly used commands, configure IP addressing
VI configuration static routing
Chapter set
a WAN protocol, HDLC
Second, PPP
three, X.25
four, Frame Relay
five, ISDN
six, PSTN Chapter
a routing protocol set, RIP protocol
II, IGRP protocol
III, OSPF protocol
four, five
redistribution routing, IPX protocol settings
fourth quality of service and access control Chapter
one priority setting
II agreement, the queue custom
Third, access control
Chapter virtual LAN (VLAN) routing
a virtual LAN (VLAN )
II, Inter-Switch Link (ISL) protocol
Third, virtual LAN (VLAN) routing instance
a basic router configuration, the basic setting mode
In general, you can use the 5 ways to set up the router:
1. Console port connection terminal or PC running terminal emulation software;
2. AUX port connection MODEM, the phone line and remote terminal or PC running terminal emulation software is connected;
3. On the TFTP server through the Ethernet;
4. Ethernet on the TELNET program through;
5. SNMP network management via Ethernet on the workstation.
the first set but the router must be carried out by the first method, when the terminal's hardware setup is as follows:
Baud Rate: 9600
data bits: 8
stop bit: 1
Parity: None
Second, the command state
1. router>
router at the user command state, then the user can see the router's connection status, access to other networks and hosts, but can not see and change the contents of the router settings.
2. router #
in the router> prompt, type enable, router, enter privileged command state router #,GHD Green Butterfly 2011 (http://www.ghdhairnz.net/ghd-green-butterfly-2011.html), then not only can perform all the user commands, you can see the router settings and change the content.
3. router (config) #
at the router # prompt, type configure terminal,GHD Carry Case & Heat Mat (http://www.ghdhairnz.net/ghd-carry-case-heat-mat-straighteners.html), a prompt router (config) #, then set the router in a global state, then you can set the router's global parameters.
4. router (config-if) #; router (config-line) #; router (config-router) #; ...
router in the local setting mode, then you can set the router to a local parameter.
router is RXBOOT state,GHD Red Butterfly 2011 (http://www.ghdhairnz.net/ghd-red-butterfly-2011.html), within 60 seconds after turning on press ctrl-break to enter this state, when the normal function of the router can not be completed, only the software upgrade and manual guidance.
Settings dialog state
This is a new router to automatically enter the state, the state use the SETUP command in privileged commands can be entered this state,GHD MK4 Kiss Straighteners (http://www.ghdhairnz.net/ghd-kiss-hair-straightener.html), then dialogue can be set on the router.
Third, set the process of dialogue prompts
global parameter setting interface parameters set
dialogue process can be avoided by setting the tedious manual input commands, but it can not completely replace the manual settings, special settings must also be accomplished through manual input.
enter the settings dialogue process, the router will first show some tips:
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
At any point you may enter a question mark? for help.
Use ctrl -c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt.
Default settings are in square brackets [].
tell you this is the process of dialogue in the settings anywhere you can type -c to exit the setup process, the default setting will be displayed in the '[]' in. Then the router will ask whether to enter the Settings dialog:
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [Yes]:
If you press y or Enter to set the router will enter the dialogue process. First of all you can see the current status of each port:
First, would you like to see the current interface summary? [Yes]:
Any interface listed with OK? Value
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
Ethernet0 unassigned NO unset up up
Serial0 unassigned NO unset up up
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Then, the router began to set global parameters:
Configuring global parameters:
1. Set the router name:
Enter host name [Router]:
2. Set into the privileged status of the cipher text (secret), the cipher text will not be clear later in the set display:
The enable secret is a one-way cryptographic secret used
instead of the enable password when it exists.
Enter enable secret: cisco
3. Set the password to enter privileged status (password), this password only work when there is no ciphertext, and set the future will be displayed in clear text:
The enable password is used when there is no enable secret
and when using older software and some boot images.
Enter enable password: pass
4. Set the password for virtual terminal access:
Enter virtual terminal password: cisco
5. Asked if you want to set the router to support a variety of network protocols:
Configure SNMP Network Management? [Yes]:
Configure DECnet? [No]:
Configure AppleTalk? [No]:
Configure IPX? [no]:
Configure IP? [yes]:
Configure IGRP routing? [yes]:
Configure RIP routing? [no]:
... ... ...
6. If you configure a dial-up access servers, the system will set the parameters of the asynchronous port:
Configure Async lines? [Yes]:
1) Set the maximum line speed:
Async line speed [9600]:
2) whether to use hardware flow control:
Configure for HW flow control? [yes]:
3) is set to modem:
Configure for modems? [yes / no]: yes
4 ) whether to use the default modem command:
Configure for default chat s cript? [yes]:
5) is set to PPP asynchronous port parameters:
Configure for Dial-in IP SLIP / PPP access? [ ,],[]: yes
whether to use TCP header compression:
Configure for TCP Header Compression? [yes]:
9) whether the use of asynchronous port routing table updates:
Configure for routing updates on async links? [no]: y
10) is set to other protocols on the asynchronous port.
Next, the system will set the parameters for each interface.
1. Configuring interface Ethernet0:
1) whether to use this interface:
Is this interface in use? [Yes]:
2) is set for this interface IP parameters:
Configure IP on this interface? [ ,],[,],[following configuration command s cript was created:
hostname Router
enable secret 5 $ 1 $ W5Oh $ p6J7tIgRMBOIKVXVG53Uh1
enable password pass
... ... ... ...
Please note that in the enable secret behind the display is garbled and the enable password is set behind the display contents.
Show end, the system will ask whether to use this setting:
Use this configuration? [yes / no]: yes
If you answer yes, the system will result in the setting in the router's NVRAM, Then set the end of the dialogue process so that the router start to work properly.
four commonly used commands
1. help
operation in the IOS, regardless of any state and location, you can type
task of changing the order status into the privileged command command
state enable
privileged commands exit into the set state disable
dialogue state setup
into the global setting out the state config terminal
set state end
into the global port settings state interface type slot / number
port is set to enter sub-state interface type number.subinterface [point-to-point | multipoint]
into the line to set the state line type slot / number
route set into the state router protocol
set out the local state exit
task command shows the command and guidance information
View version show version
View Run set show running-config
See the Power settings show startup-config
Show port information show interface type slot / number
display routing information show ip router
4. copy of the IOS and the CONFIG command
for backup and upgrade
task command network command
log the remote host telnet hostname | IP address
network to detect ping hostname | IP address
trace route trace hostname | IP address
6 .
the basic task of the command set command to set config terminal
set global access to the user and password username username password password
set password enable secret password
privileges to set the router to set the static name hostname name
routing ip route destination subnet-mask next-hop
start IP routing ip routing
start IPX routing ipx routing
port set interface type slot / number
set IP address ip address address subnet-mask
set the IPX network ipx network network
active port no shutdown
physical line set line type number
start the login process login [local | tacacs server]
set password password password
five configuration IP addressing
1. IP address classification
IP address network and host addresses are divided into two parts, A class of 8-bit address for the network address before and after 24 as the host address, B address of 16 bits for the class network address, 16-bit as the host address, C class address before the 24-bit for the network address, 8 bits for host addresses, network address range as follows:
type network address range to
A and effective retention
B to and effective retention
C to effective and 223.255. 255.0 reservations
D to for multicast
E to reserved for broadcast
assigned the task command interface to IP address
interface set interface type slot / number
set the IP address of the interface ip address ip-address mask
cover M (mask) used to identify the IP address of network address bits, IP address (ip-address ) and mask (mask) phase is obtained network address.
using variable length subnet mask Variable length subnet mask by using a can in the same network number of different interfaces to use a different network mask, this can save IP addresses full use of a valid IP address space.
as shown below:
Router1 and Router2 the E0 port are using the C class address as the network address, Router1's E0 network address, mask, Router2's E0 network address, mask, this will be a Class C network address assigned to the two networks, both by the two subnets, played a role in saving the address.
4. using Network Address Translation (NAT)
NAT (Network Address Translation) play translated into the internal private address outside global address legitimate function, it makes not a legitimate IP address of the user can access through NAT to the external Internet.
the time when the establishment of the internal network, we recommend using the following address for the host group, the address is the Network Working Group (RFC 1918) are reserved for private network address assignment.
& # 61548 ;; Class A: to
; Class B: to
; Class C: to
command described as follows:
task command
define a standard access list access-list access-list-number permit source [source-wildcard]
defines a global address pool ip nat pool name start-ip end-ip prefix-length prefix-length [type rotary]
create a dynamic address translation ip nat inside source {list access-list-number pool name [overload] | static local-ip global-ip}
specify the internal and external ports ip nat inside
as shown below,
router's Ethernet 0 port is inside the port, that this port to connect the internal network, and this port is connected network should be translated, Serial 0 port outside the port, which has a valid IP address (by the NIC or service provider assigned legal IP address), the host from the network from the IP address pool c2501 select an address as their legal address, via Serial 0 口 access to Internet. Command ip nat inside source list 2 pool c2501 overload the parameter overload, multiple internal addresses will be allowed to use the same global address (a valid IP address, it is the NIC or service provider from the assigned address). Command ip nat pool c2501 netmask global address range is defined.
settings are as follows:
ip nat pool c2501 netmask
interface Ethernet 0
ip address
ip nat inside
interface Serial 0
ip address
ip nat outside
ip route Serial 0
access-list 2 permit 10.0. 0.0
! Dynamic NAT
ip nat inside source list 2 pool c2501 overload
line console 0
exec-timeout 0 0
line vty 0 4
six, configure a static route
configure static routes,GHD Straighteners NZ (http://www.ghdhairnz.net/), the user can specify artificially when a network access path to go through the network structure is relatively simple, and generally at a certain network The only path through which static routing, under the circumstances.
task order
create static routes ip route prefix mask address [distance] [tag tag] [permanent]
Prefix: The purpose of the network to reach
mask: subnet mask
address: the next hop IP address,GHD Blue Straighteners (http://www.ghdhairnz.net/ghd-blue-hair-straightener.html), that is adjacent to the port address of the router.
interface: the local network interface
distance: administrative distance (optional)
tag tag: tag value (optional)
permanent: even if the port specified off this route is not definite displacement.
set on following in Router1 access the network address of the next hop, that is when the destination address is the network-wide data reported, it should be routed to the address adjacent router to Set on a visit to the Router3 and these two networks as the next hop address Because the port Serial 0 on Router1 address, / 30 belongs to this network directly connected network, has access to path exists, so do not need to add a static route Router1.
ip route
ip route
ip route 192.1 .0.65
the same time as the router connected to Router2 Router3 addition to the router, but no longer connected with the other routers, so it can also give a default route to replace the above two static routing,
ip route 0.0. 0.0
in the routing table as long as they do not find the path to a specific destination address, the data are routed to the adjacent router address is