View Full Version : 骗婚女子新婚携3万元逃跑被刑拘

05-18-2011, 02:38 PM
  本报通化讯 (记者闫硕) 梅河口市中和镇李老汉拿出自己多年积蓄,终于给儿子娶上了媳妇,算是了却了心头大事,可意外发生了,nik e shox (http://www.nikeairmaxmix.com),新婚之夜,新娘逃跑了……


  小李26岁,梅河口市中和镇村民,cool nike air max (http://www.nikeairmaxmix.com/cool-nike-air-max-1-c-78.html),以小李的年纪在当地算是大龄青年了,同龄人都结了婚,可是由于经济条件所限,小李几年来 一直没有娶上媳妇,父亲看在眼里,急在心上。

  去年7月的一天,小李在梅河口市一家足疗店认识了女按摩师王某。通过接触,小李了解到王某22岁,家住 通化,单身来梅河口打工。一来二去,小李就对王某产生了爱慕之情,王某答应后,两人很快就达到如胶似漆的程 度,小李也把王某带回家中,难得的是王某并没有嫌弃小李家穷,表示有钱没钱都是次要的,她图的 不是钱。


  为了能让儿子顺利结婚,李老汉四处借钱把房子进行了翻修,小李也心想自己苦点没关系,不能亏待了王某, 于是拿出了自己多年打工的两万多元积蓄,尽最大努力买了金项链、金戒指等结婚纪念品以达到王某满意,Nik e Air Max Tailwind (http://www.nikeairmaxmix.com/nike-air-max-tailwind-c-120.html)。

  李家又外借了两万块钱作为结婚的彩礼交给了王某。但李家人在这段时间,一直未见过王某的父 母。

  1月11日,婚礼如期举行,nike air max (http://www.nikeairmaxmix.com),除之前给王某的两万元钱,小李也将收得的1.8万余元礼钱 交给了新婚妻子。


  “我奶奶去世了,我得回家看看……”新婚之夜,王某以此为借口带着钱财跑了,由于发现及时,李家人将王 某找了回来,可是给她的3万多元钱却没了踪影。王某被追回来后只是哭,就是不说钱的去处,“我就是不愿意与 你过日子了才逃婚的……”面对王某突然转变的态度,李家人赶紧报了警。

  中和派出所接到报警后,所长赵新忠带领民警对双方当事人进行询问,查实王某确实22岁,家 住通化市。

  但王某仍对民警坚称,就是不愿意与小李过日子才逃婚的。经民警进一步调查,发现王某的奶奶并未去世,而 其又说明不了钱财的去处,种种迹象表明她涉嫌骗婚。

  经审,王某交代了骗婚的事实。她在足疗店当按摩师时,认识了小李,看到小李挺痴情,于是产生假借结婚骗 钱的想法。

  李老汉说,王某长得漂亮不说,做起家务来也是一把好手,对小李更是温柔体贴,问寒问暖,非常贤惠,一切 表现得都很完美,所以一家人根本没往别处想。


05-18-2011, 02:40 PM
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 06:34 on December 18, 2009 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (2) Category: Personal Diary

too late to sleep equivalent to commit suicide (dedicated to the young man) (be sure to look at the future does not stay up late!)
had always been healthy and often sports (basketball), but stay up late several nights in a row today, after a few days later, suddenly feel very tired the next day to get up! One wanted to sleep with eyes closed! (The feeling of staying up late in front of different day), but also back pain, but one night, and good spirit up!
do not think this is trivial! According to Chinese medicine's view, is due to fatigue caused by imbalance of yin and yang organs of the body is the body organ from infighting, fighting with each other, and finally causing organ failure and died, so I hope you're not next!
9-11 points at the immune system (lymph) drainage time, this period should be quiet or listen to music
; night 11 - 1:00, liver detoxification, need to be sleeping.
am 1-3 points, gallbladder detoxification, they are made.
am 3-5 points, lung detoxification. Namely why people cough cough during this period the most dramatic,
detoxification action has come because of the lung; not use cough medicine, so as not to inhibit the waste sediment exclusion.
am 5-7 points, colon detoxification, should the toilet bowel.
morning 7-9 points, the small intestine absorbs nutrients period of time, should eat breakfast.
the best early treatment of patients to eat before the 6:30, and health in the 7:30 before,
do not eat breakfast should change their habit, even if the drag 9,10 eat than to eat well.
midnight to 4:00 hours for the spinal cord blood to be asleep, not stay up late.

have to share if they feel good. . . Everybody likes to celebrate together than alone. . . I only hope you can read more than the sake of their families for themselves, to try to sleep early ... ------- hands, feet, body corresponding to the internal organs of the various acupuncture points (Figure) This is a few pictures below show, we hands, feet, body organs corresponding to various points. Massage, when aligned under the force point to health benefits for us.
shown, such as our toes represent our eyes and ears, and the soles of the feet is equivalent to human body's trunk. Here is the body is a revolutionary hand
capital, learned to massage it for ourselves. Lara ears renal conservation of body organs of the body's vital organs, is the birth of the. Renal function is normal, and has a pivotal role in health and longevity.
Chinese Five Elements theory that the kidney stores the essence, opens into the ear, treatment of kidney disease have many points in the ear. So often the ears exercises, can play Jianshen strong waist, the role of self-cultivation sickness.
one, pulling the ear lobe method screen placed inside the index finger with both hands, the use of the index finger and thumb pulling the tragus, earlobe, pulling from the inside out, approach from light to heavy, traction force is limited to not feel pain , every 3 to 5 minutes. This method can be headache, dizziness, neurasthenia, tinnitus and other diseases.
second hand double hand fist Mount Helix law to the thumb and finger food to push back and forth up and down along the helix-mo, until the helix congestive fever. This method has brain, Qiangshen, Cong ears, eyes and the power, can prevent impotence, frequent urination, constipation, back pain, cervical spondylosis, palpitation, chest distress, headache, dizziness and other illnesses.
three, pulling with both hands, the thumb tip,安福市场 (http://anfu.putianb2b.com/), law, ear pinch tip of the index finger, move up pulling, rubbing, kneading,安福商贸城 (http://www.putianb2b.com/), friction and 15 to 20 times, make some hot red. This method has sedative, analgesic, clear brain eyesight, fever, allergy, Yang Shen and other effects, can prevent hypertension, insomnia, pharyngitis, and skin diseases.
four, rubbing his hands were playing Qingnie binaural binaural method lobe, and then to red hot friction rub. Then grabbed the earlobe pull down, and then let the ear lobe bounce. Two or three times a day, each under 20. This method can promote blood circulation of the ear, with the effect of lumbar Jianshen strong.
five, his hands over his head and pulled up his left ear method traction on the right ear, ten times, and then the right hand pulling the left ear dozens of times. This exercise can also promote the submandibular gland, sublingual gland secretion, reducing throat pain, the treatment of chronic pharyngitis.
six, his hands cover their ears and France two ear hands, fingers, after care skull, flip the middle finger with the index finger 24 pressure, it can be heard \This stimulation can be active in the kidney, there are brain, eyesight, Qiangshen effect.
seven full ears massage your hands palm friction heat, the back massage belly (that is,安福相册 (http://www.putianb2b.com/), the front ears), and then massage the back of the forward fold, repeated massage 5 to 6 times. This method can clear the meridians, organs are the kidneys and systemic health effects.
eight, his hands sweeping ear method with both hands behind the ears by the forward sweep, then will hear \Each 20, the day several times, as long as the long-term adherence, will be able to Qiangshen fitness. Eight
above can be selected according to their requirements, or with the individual or several, as long as sustained, certain to receive the desired results. Easy to learn Qiangshen fitness health laws of traditional medicine that the birth of the kidney, the source of life, kidney filling, the energetic,库存软件管理系统 (http://www.putianb2b.com/), strong bones, walking briskly, Spiritual agile, kidney yang is weak loss, waist knee soreness, susceptibility cold, raw diseases.
kidney disease are yin, yang of the points. Kidney who have Hyperactivity, throat, weak waist, dizziness, ringing in the ears, reddish tongue and other symptoms. Deficiency who are physically common chills, listlessness, backache, tinnitus, pale tongue, body fat and other symptoms.
Chinese medicine, physical features, including joints, bones and other organizations of the movement, dominated by the liver and kidney rests, therefore, \Yang tendons Jianshen getting a vivid, smooth Qimai and enhance the effectiveness of their resistance to achieve the purpose of Qiangshen fitness. Walking, jogging, playing, exercise, boxing and swordplay, are a good exercise program. Here are a few simple health practices, you can try. Rubbed loin muscle: rub hands tight at the waist, rubbing force 30 times. \
Rouan pubic region: hands rub,外贸网站开发 (http://www.putianb2b.com/), massage in the abdomen at the pubic region of 30 to 50 times. Pubic region is one of the infuriating, the true essence of the rally for the life of the human body. This method is commonly used, can enhance the body's immune function, improve the body's resistance to achieve the objective of strengthening the foundation Qiangshen is conducive to longevity. Issued the \Repeated from 6 to 9 times.
In addition,莆田运动鞋批发 (http://www.putianb2b.com/), the heart corresponds to the \the \Pronunciation of longer, more times.
spleen gas through the gastrointestinal health approach: hands overlap, clockwise around the navel Roufu to pass the main gas can promote gastrointestinal smooth, reverse clockwise around the navel Roufu, places make up the main spleen may play a role in patients with constipation, and more clockwise rubbing, spleen were then added rub counterclockwise, each 300 to 500 under 1 or 2 times a day. Blessings friends have a healthy body good!