View Full Version : 却在昨天给我发信息说他固然否认她是本人女友人

05-10-2011, 07:08 AM
,然而亲口跟她说不爱她,还爱我说不在乎她,所以在一起没有压力。爱的只可能是我,别人爱不起来。我看了短 信,莫名的赌气,恼火,他还是没变,他现在还在拿当初他给我的让我蒙受的伤害无形中损害着那个女孩。我回他 短信,我骂他,说认为你会有所转变,本来还是看待感情这么不认真,仍是这么轻佻,polo shirts embroidered (http://www.poloshirtdesigns.com),你要谈就当真谈,要么就别玩。我说,我还信任恋情, 但与你无关。。他却说,那我不跟她谈了,还说她跟他好的时候太原还有男友人。还说什么现在给我发短信的时候 只感觉到内疚。我骂他轻浮,我叫他认真对人女孩。他却开始了呼啸,说"就凭你还想让我认真?呵,自不量力, 我就是轻浮,就是游戏情感,我愿意,我快活,我玩感情玩的爽!!连爱是什么都不知道,dolc e gabbana watch (http://www.dolce-gabbanaonline.com),你有什么资历评论我?呕。"呵。。。我感到真的很好笑,曾经那么爱 好过的一个人竟然是这样的,我居然那么晚才发明。我感觉自己很可悲,真的很可悲。老是这样,在前一秒跟你说 尽好话,说尽自己有多内疚,说尽你有多好,而后在下一秒,nike air max blue (http://www.nikesairmax90.com),不得到他预期的回应的时候便开始歇斯底里,开端怒吼。而我 ,就跟这样的人相处了一年多,忍了一年多,我更不知道为什么以前那么没性格,那么能容忍。就在方才,他又来 了一条短信,说"昨天晚上回去想了良久,你说的对,我始终在骗本人,把自己表演成一个薄情的男人,由于我知 道咱们不可能复合所以才说等你,实在如果你真要跟我复合,我也必定会谢绝,因为她已经为我付出了良多。我迷 恋的是以前那个我,不是你。还有,我真的不该跟你再接洽,有对照才晓得谁好,所以我一直拿你跟我的初恋比, 但当初我能够拿你跟我现在的女友比了,她对我真的很好,就算不爱她,我也要对她好。谢谢你昨天的一席赐教。 "这些都是我的悲痛,我可悲的初恋,ghd iv pure styler (https://www.ghdiv4sale.com)。。第一次没有碰到对的人真的不要紧,我应当感激他,让我学会怎么 对一个人好,如何去爱。现在有个人对我很好,我也很激动于他对我做得事,假如有缘,我会斟酌。。顺其天然吧 。。

05-10-2011, 07:23 AM
At first glance the project appeared impossible. Here we were, in the middle of the desert, 500 miles from the nearest real city - and we needed to install a campus telecom network covering an area of about 150 square kilometers. Objective was to make campus communications function at the same level as a wlan antenna (http://www.wlanantenna.net/) industrial campus. Memories of military leadership exercises came to mind, where with a limited number of tools you faced an expectation that with a bit of tenacity and creativity under the right conditions your team could make sea shells do HF radio.
We go back to basic telecom engineering. Your task is to take a budget, existing or emerging technology, a relatively clear set of objectives - and then design a flexible solution that completely meets and exceeds everybody's expectations. Of course this must be ahead of schedule and under budget. Simple, right?
So in the middle of the desert we incorporate new technologies, such as wireless bridging to connect major campus locations, VoIP to take advantage of lower startup and operating costs for both internal and external communications, a VSAT link to the home office, and then gateways for network connectivity and voice transit/termination. Using a numbering plan provided by the upstream VoIP provider, and voila! You are now an extension of the office PBX located 3000 miles away in the comfort of your company home office.
Only fixed lines in the scenario are LAN connections within campus buildings, and that is only really useful for connecting file servers to the LAN/WLAN, or VoIP phones to the LAN. This is for those old folks who still mentally find themselves attached to a desktop handset - not those of us using a wireless PDA with a softphone, or WiFi handset.
Surprise - in 2002 we built a model very similar to this for a mining company in the middle of the Gobi Desert. Details on demand.
Shift to Seoul South Korea. Walking along the street you see a lot of phone booths. Funny thing is there are no wires connecting to the phone booths, and you see a little antenna sticking up from the top of the booth. Explanation is wireless DSL. Cool.
Shift to New Orleans, Morris Point (Minnesota), or Long Beach. New developments going in, old developments being demolished as part of post storm reconstruction. All needing high performance communications infrastructure - whether for basic entertainment or for network communications. Let's look at the existing telecom tool bag for assets. Verizon Broadband Wireless, SBC broadband, DirecTV - or an motorcycle (http://www.sulingmotor.com/) start up company using a Gobi Desert style wireless campus hub. All could deliver a service equal to or better than services formerly riding on top of the copper infrastructure - or for areas which are simply "Greenfield" sites with no existing cable plant or telephone infrastructure. Surprise, all are available in our reconstruction zone.
You might say "well, you know wireless and cable have little capacity - it is not suitable for the high traffic links needed to run a business or entertainment. Hmm... Looking at marketing materials for companies such as Gigabeam (www.gigabeam.com) it appears we can now sling up to about 10Gbps through the air - that is a pretty healthy bridge. You can sling 10Gbps up to a mile, 1Gbps a couple miles, and other capacities down to 512 Mbps up to about 30 miles line of sight. Probably enough to meet the needs of Morris Point, Minnesota. Probably enough to meet the neighborhood needs of Long Beach, California as well.
OK, the capacity argument is history. Wireless can actually provide much higher "line" capacity than existing copper cable plant, and it is a heck of a lot less expensive. Next argument...
Hmm... starting to run short on arguments for replacing existing models of "land line" communications with wireless? Don't feel lonely. About the only model of outside cable plant being installed is fiber intended for use by telephone companies to increase line capacity to homes in an effort to compete with cable television companies. Verizon's FIOS will carry not only >50Mbps Internet access to the home, it will also handle entertainment channels quite nicely. Far cry from plain old telephone service (POTS). So Verizon's intent is not to deliver high performance POTS, it is to deliver telephone, CATV, and high speed Internet. Also cool.
As a competitive entertainment and telecommunications project, we look forward to more creative and useful ideas coming from all telecom companies. I personally do not care if my entertainment comes from Comcast, DirecTV, SBC, Verizon, or Time Warner - I simply want the most advanced entertainment and communications available. I do not care if it is over fiber, copper, or through the air. I just want 450 TV channels, Internet that provides whatever content I want with no delay, and an effective way to communicate with any telephone or presence device to any point in the world.
However I live in a very technically advanced part of the United States, have not suffered a catastrophic natural disaster, and am not at the dimmable LED lights (http://www.szledlighting.com/) of a single telecom provider.
Back to the gulf coast and Morris Point. You need to deliver high performance communications to every addressable home and business in the area. You need to do it fast. You need to do it under a reasonable budget. Do you buy telephone switches, copper, and dig up the streets for either conduits and manholes, or plant telephone poles every 100ft? Or do you take advantage of high performance wireless technologies that are only restricted by the end user having electricity and the potential for a line of sight to a wireless transmitter?
Let's not waste time on E911 issues - those are solved. Near 0% of homes in the US are without at least one mobile phone, with GPS, that is available at a moments notice if there is an emergency. Regardless if the mobile phone is using packet or CDMA, the GPS device still pinpoints you within about 1 meter. Also, and in particular with wireless, batteries are an inherent part of the end user device - or a UPS can easily be installed if E911 services are really essential to those in the country side. A backhoe, car accident (whacking a pole), or any one of a thousand other variables can work to bring down a POTS line as easily as a wireless connection.
Let's not waste time on "business toll quality" issues. Those are solved. Sometime check your long distance or international call setup time on Skype versus a toll call. Let's not waste time on any issues other than deliverinan made disaster is now based on restoring an antenna, splicing a cable feeding an antenna, and aligning the antennas. Your WiFi Internet connection feeding a laptop or WiFi phone does not need g telecom and entertainment services to end users - wherever they may be.
Recovery time from antenna (http://www.wlanantenna.net/) or mcable or line-of-sight alignment, so once the antenna is restored you are online. This is calculated in days, rather than months. Remember the stories following Katrina of young people driving vans down to the gulf, setting up a portable generator, linking a wireless bridge to a "friendly" ISP, and then providing email and VoIP access to neighborhoods cut off from the world? If a 19 year old high school grad with a portable generator can get global communications installed within hours after a natural disaster, then shouldn't we at least consider this model for disaster response, if not a permanent solution?
The big guys do not like this discussion. It is hard to give up a monopoly. It is hard to accept the possibility that in 5 years a telephone number will only be a reference of convenience as the world turns to presence indicators. It is hard to accept the automobile took the place of horses and carriage, or the launch x431 diagun (http://www.digiobd.com/) the place of trains and cruise ships for long distance travel. But it happened, and we are all better for the change.
As a society we need to prepare ourselves for the upcoming quantum shift in technology-enabled communications and entertainment. As a business we need to keep a close eye on the first movers and be prepared to move ahead, either through R&D or M&A.
For Morris Point and the Gulf Coast? Sure, feel free to string fiber on the long distance side of the network (assuming your fiber is not already in place - that might be an astonishing revelation). Let's forget this final mile copper infrastructure nonsense. Let's aggressively exploit existing and emerging wireless technologies and meet the needs of community and business. Really.