View Full Version : 给中国人争脸 中国女孩在美国拍成人片,无耻!(图)_出色

05-09-2011, 09:51 AM
近日,有一个名叫evelyn lin的20华裔女孩,prada on sale (http://www.pradaonline2011.com),在很多论坛和视频网站上被广泛提及.一时成为新的网络 红人.因为这个华裔女孩有着特别的阅历——在美国拍摄成人电影,从而成为网友争辩的焦点.
据网络上流传的evelyn lin的个人材料咱们懂得到,她1987诞生于中国湖南,4岁随父母移民到美国,目前住在加利福尼亚州洛杉 矶市圣费南度谷,毕业于加洲圣迭戈大学信息传布专业,17岁开始从事拍摄成人片子,至今已3个 年头.
依据网友在某些视频网站上传的对于evelyn lin的视频片断来断定,她确实是一个亚裔面貌的美国女孩,而且从事成人影片的拍摄这件事件能够初步得到确 认.
由于她的"华侨"身份,以及所做的为网友所不齿的事情,tory burch dresses (http://www.toryburchec.com),她所拍摄的成人电影在国外的诸多成人网站被普遍流传,且始终声 称本人中国女孩的身份,evelyn lin成了众多网友在网络上攻打漫骂的对象.
网上传播的evelyn lin的照片.
Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Measurements: 34B-24-36
Shoe Size 7.5
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color: Brown/Black
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05-09-2011, 09:52 AM
this time off does not appear the situation. Jiang, the first big burst of cold, but still promised to accompany his mother Haoshuodaishuo go, after all, are busy with their practice throughout the summer and reading, and even over the weekend basically do not accompany his mother. Chapter XV of the body of the other half of the pulp for the marriage (below) points on Sunday morning, the river early winter training work back, hastily eat something, a family of three immediately went to the Western Hills rush.
Bumps on the bus for nearly an hour to the time is the last one to the people. To the pavilion had sat down and there are three families, two couples is to recognize the cold river, is frequently normal and the mother and from my colleagues. They do not have kids, big kids said their parents did not want to hang out with. Left a mother and daughter,wow gold (http://www.mmogsaleonline.com), but it is very look unfamiliar.
] One girl, looks almost old cold river. A partial round face, fine features can not be said in particular, at first sight is not the typical beauty. Makeup face painting a little girl, small breasts swelling, than girls in this age of development of the general good, wearing short-sleeved shorts, kicking a pair of pink shoes, youthful filled out, but also revealed a bit ######y.
] However, the concept of ###### at this time has not yet taken root, so the girls probably are not very good-looking adults included in that category. 'd Dressed middle-aged women more fashionable, just look at face and dress, and feel they are a few younger than a lot of mothers, vaguely see that young should be a beauty.