View Full Version : 78岁老太和女儿斗气故意上街乞讨

04-28-2011, 09:29 PM
戴老太家虽不富裕,但还不至于沿街乞讨 记者 吴子敬 摄

  来自南岸区上新街 3月2日上午,上新街转盘街头,一拄拐杖的老太在墙角处跪下,伸出手向行人乞讨。老太戴毛线帽,脚穿一双八 成新的高帮皮鞋,穿着干净整洁,很快引起路人关注:“这是谁家老人”、“是不是走丢了”……

  在热心人的询问下,老太吐露了自己的情况:老伴癌症去世,4个孩子仅剩一女,对自己不孝,没人赡养,只 好乞讨求生。老太的遭遇引来不少人同情,对其“不肖子孙”指责颇多。有人递上五毛一元的零钱,有人送上刚买 的咸菜、有人端来热腾腾的馄饨……

  3个多小时后,老太在一中年妇女的帮助下,登上前往李家沱的公交车,下车后,走进李家沱工矿路一幢一楼 一底的砖房。这是一家名为“锦绣副食”的副食店,守店男子称,老人是他岳母,姓戴,今年78岁 。

  “我妻子是她唯一的亲生女儿,她一直跟我们一起生活。”男子介绍,家中四口人:老人、他们夫妇俩和20 岁的儿子。副食店是妻子下岗后开办,经营副食,并通过租赁房屋、对外开放洗澡等赚钱。“经济条件不算好,但 吃穿不愁,不至于讨钱。”男子称,戴老太在其户籍所在地南岸区大兴场,每月享受政府两百余元的 低保补助。

  老人为何乞讨?老人女婿称,ghd flatiron (http://www.ghds2011.com),老人和妻子因生活习惯不和,母女经常斗嘴,多次惊动居委会上门调解。 “两个脾气都不好,她(指戴老太)不愿呆在屋头,非要出去跑,拦都拦不住。”

  老人女儿陈女士表示,她尽心赡养母亲,但母亲并不领情。譬如,母亲不愿用新手帕,情愿将烂手帕拿出去补 ;不穿她买的新衣服,说是好心人送的等。“总说我对她不好,但我们待她确实不薄。”

  老人外出乞讨,夫妇俩均表示知情。“她出去要钱一年多,要来的钱也不用,就藏在屋头旮旯里,起码存了三 四千元。”陈女士说,每次要钱回家,母亲就对她说些诸如“我钱多得用不完”之类的话。陈估计,母亲外出乞讨 是为了气她。

  陈女士丈夫陈先生认为,老人“千里迢迢”到上新街、渝中区等地乞讨,是因为不愿遇到熟人――熟人会通知 家里接她回家。

  老人住地位于重庆毛纺织染厂家属区,母女俩的矛盾,邻居们多有耳闻。“老人脾气不大好,可能和家人处得 不大愉快。”路口小卖部女老板表示。

  马王坪二社区居委会工作人员介绍,2002年社区成立起,就不断调解这对母女的矛盾,六七年来,一直成 效不大。“各说各的,都有委屈。”据居委会了解,陈女士虐待老人的可能性不大,和女儿有矛盾是引发老人乞讨 的最大可能。社区建议,有老人的家庭,成员间应加强沟通,彼此坦诚相待,多考虑对方感受。

  记者 涂静

04-28-2011, 09:43 PM
1, will pay a lot of male friends at a young age, but after a middle-aged women will have more friends after.

2, about 25% of men, in the first date to fall in love with each other, but the fourth woman to date, only 15% fell in love with each other.

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7,discount mbt shoes (http://www.mbtking.com/mbt-mwalk-shoes-c-29.html), most of the survey of adults have shown that men and women love gossip, spread rumors level is the same.

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9, about 2 / 3 or 4 / 5 of the alcoholic men. Ten her husband, only one living with an alcoholic wife; but ten wives, there are nine alcoholic husband will continue to live.

10, crime, single men than married men, single women and crime is less than married women.

11, claimed that happiness and contentment are single men, married men are almost twice as much. However, single women, married women more often than not happy that, with or without children.

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14, most women like to hide their feelings, while men like to let each other know. If you ask a man A woman was pulled out front door key to the door, and dig out of early man. Woman struck the match, always draw the match, while men are always included, and perhaps a woman afraid of burn yourself.

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