04-23-2011, 06:58 PM
本报讯(记者 刘涛)4月19日18时30分,铁路31宿舍8号楼5单元5楼一对夫妻发生争吵,丈夫揪住妻子头发厮打,g hd precious (http://www.ghdsalec.com/ghd-iv-styler-precious-set-p-190.html),并将妻子砍了十余刀后推下五楼,妻子经抢救无效死亡。之后,该男子声称要跳楼,与警方 对峙七个小时,于20日凌晨1时许被民警控制。昨日,贾某以故意杀人罪被警方依法刑事拘留。
据新华警方介绍,4月19日18时许,新华警方陆续接到市局指挥中心指令称:铁路31宿舍五楼有一男一 女在阳台上吵架,女子坠楼,伤势不轻,已被120送往医院,后经抢救无效死亡,经法医鉴定女子身上有十余处 利器伤。
当晚,警方包围了事发居民楼,并疏散了楼内居民。由于楼上男子拒绝开门,并扬言跳楼自杀,并不时把屋里 的东西从窗口扔到楼下,消防人员携带电锯等破拆工具悄然上楼,随时等待破门抓捕。男子在五楼与警方对峙长达 六七个小时,20日凌晨1时许,男子被消防人员和民警制服。
4月20日上午,记者在新华公安分局刑警三中队见到41岁的犯罪嫌疑人贾某。贾某称,他是东北人,与妻 子结婚后育有一女,“平时我脾气不太好,我们经常因琐事吵架,发生这样的事,我最对不起的就是 我的孩子。”
据贾某交代,2009年五六月份,夫妻俩吵起来,贾某用棍子打了妻子,贾妻陈某一气之下跑到石市投奔表 妹,并租了房子,准备打工挣钱养活孩子。后来贾某多次打电话要求和好,妻子考虑到孩子还小,就原谅了他,生 活似乎好了许多。今年二人还一起回东北老家过春节,并商量着过完年一起到石打工。
今年春节过后,贾某跟妻子一同来到石市,没过几天,他发现妻子原来是在歌厅工作,坚决不同意,于是二人 发生激烈争吵,ghd mini styler (http://www.ghdsalec.com/ghd-iv-mini-styler-p-202.html)。4月19日晚,二人又因为回老家和妻子工作的事吵得不可开交。贾某喝了不少酒,失去理 智的贾某把妻子逼到阳台上,逼着她跳下去,妻子不肯,sac gucci (http://www.sac-gucci.org),他就用菜刀砍了妻子十余刀,之后将奄奄一息的妻子扔下楼。
贾某一直说:“不想再说这些事情,自己很后悔。”可一提及由姥姥带大的孩子,贾某一脸无奈。出事后,他 给大姨子打电话要求跟孩子通话,遭到拒绝。目前,贾某已被依法刑事拘留。
04-23-2011, 07:12 PM
Eye Drops for Pink Eye
Most of us have suffered from conjunctivitis at some time or the other. Conjunctivitis, which is commonly known as pink eye, is one of the most discomforting eye infections (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/eye-infections/) that affects both children and adults. Since our eyes are extremely delicate, they get inflamed or irritated on getting exposed to allergens or other disease-causing agents such as bacteria or viruses. Pink eye (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/pink-eye/) causes the eyes to turn red. It also gives rise to symptoms such as eye pain, swelling, discharge and severe itching. Instilling eye drops for pink eye is one way to provide relief from these symptoms.
The type of eye drop that needs to be administered will depend on the type of conjunctivitis one is suffering from. You can use over-the-counter eye drops (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/eye-drops/) for pink eye. Prescription eye drops for pink eye can also be used for treating this condition. Besides using eye drops, one can also use certain pink eye home remedies (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/pink-eye-home-remedies.html) for alleviating the symptoms. Before I move on to the aspect of pink eye treatment, let me provide you with some information on what causes pink eye (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/what-causes-pink-eye.html) and what its symptoms are.
Pink Eye: Causes and Symptoms
How do you get pink eye (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/how-do-you-get-pink-eye.html)? Conjunctivitis or pink eye is caused due to the inflammation of the conjunctiva. Conjunctiva is a protective membrane that lines the sclera, the white portion of the eye. This membrane also covers the inner surface of the eyelids. Conjunctivitis is categorized into bacterial conjunctivitis (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/bacterial-conjunctivitis-pink-eye.html), viral conjunctivitis and allergic conjunctivitis. Well, these terms are self-explanatory in nature. Bacterial pink eye occurs when the cause of inflammation is an attack by bacteria. Staphylococci and Streptococci are commonly known to cause bacterial pink eye. The chances of one suffering from viral conjunctivitis are higher in case of people suffering from sore throat corset tops (http://corsetops.org), respiratory infections and common cold.
Allergic conjunctivitis, as the name suggests, occurs when one comes in contact with any substance that the immune system feels threatened by. Dust, fumes, mites, chemicals and various other substances can cause an allergic reaction. Pink eye symptoms and treatment (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/conjunctivitis-pink-eye-symptoms-treatment.html) vary depending on the type of conjunctivitis one is suffering from. Though symptoms such as redness, watering of eyes corset tops (http://corsetops.com/hotbandagedresses), itching and discomfort are experienced regardless of the type of infection, some symptoms might differ. For instance, in case of bacterial conjunctivitis, these symptoms might be accompanied by a yellow or green discharge. One might experience heavy tearing if pink eye is induced by an allergen. Is pink eye contagious (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/is-pink-eye-contagious.html)? Well, viral and bacterial pink eye is contagious. Since it can spread easily, people suffering from viral or bacterial conjunctivitis must use eye drops for pink eye to treat this annoying eye condition as soon as possible.
Pink Eye: Treatment
Wondering how to treat pink eye (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/how-to-treat-pink-eye.html)? Though you can buy eye drops for pink eye over-the-counter, using prescription eye drops (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/prescription-eye-drops.html) for pink eye is always a better option. It is always better to let the doctor determine the cause of pink eye. An examination of the sample of the eye discharge generally helps in determining the cause of the infection. If you are suffering from bacterial conjunctivitis bandage dresses (http://corsetops.com/hotbandagedresses), you will need to use antibiotic eye drops for pink eye. Antibiotic eye drops (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/antibiotic-eye-drops.html) generally contain active compounds that either kill the bacteria or prevent them from multiplying. In case of allergic conjunctivitis, doctors suggest the use of saline solution for treating pink eye (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/treating-pink-eye.html). Antihistamines might also be prescribed.
The symptoms of viral conjunctivitis generally resolve on their own in a couple of weeks. In case of viral pink eye, doctors generally aim at providing symptomatic relief with the help of cold compresses or lubricants. Since bacterial and viral conjunctivitis are contagious, take all possible precautions to prevent the spread of this infection. If you are a contact lens user, don't wear your lenses while you are suffering from pink eye. Wash your hands regularly and refrain from rubbing your eyes. Dispose off the tissues that you might be using for wiping your eyes.
This was some information on eye drops for pink eye. Though home remedies can help in providing symptomatic relief corset dressus (http://corsetdressesuk.com), it is always better to use eye drops for pink eye cure (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/pink-eye-cure.html). Make sure that you follow all the eye care (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/eye-care/) tips recommended by the doctor as well.
bra lingeries What Causes Pink Eye (http://rallykitcar.net/archives/2008/08/nikon-coolpix-p60.html#comments)
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