View Full Version : Qq游戏跑得快(争上游) 刷分价钱及阐明

04-03-2011, 03:13 AM
1,号上必需带双倍卡,没有的请你自己买(倡议用Q币买1个月的篮钻,那样就会有24小时的双倍卡 送)
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4,在刷分时,请你自己不要进QQ游戏,shop tods (http://www.buytodsshoes.com),否则会把在刷分的游戏挤下线而刷不了分.
等级 名称 积分
1 蜗牛 <60
2 小马驹 60
3 三等马 140
4 二等马 300
5 一等马 720
6 千里马 1400
7 白鹤 2000
8 紫骍 3000
9 惊帆 4500
10 爪黄飞电 6200
11 乌云踏雪 8000
12 照夜玉狮子 12000
13 的卢 17000
14 绝影 22000
15 赤兔 28000
16 乌骓 40000
17 晨凫 60000
18 铜爵 90000
19 飞翩 140000
20 追电 300000
21 蹑景 450000
22 白兔 600000
23 追风 1000000
收费:(不二价,shop armani (http://www.armanionsale.com),必须要有双倍卡)
照夜玉狮子12000 10元
赤兔28000 20元
乌骓40000 30元
晨凫60000 40元
铜爵90000 45元
飞翩140000 70元
追电300000 150元
蹑景450000 220元
白兔600000 300元
追风1000000 500元

04-03-2011, 03:16 AM
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Reprinted from 1010691948 at 09:58 on November 3rd, 2009 Read (loading. ..) Comments (2) Category: Personal Diary I finally have a man not my husband!
night, tossing for almost an hour he finally Juanji and sleep. How I could not sleep,(转)肾有多好,人有多年轻 - Qzone日志 (http://manage.5lin.com/public/login.html?u=http://manage.5lin.com/diary/write.aspx?target=3/), and the clock means two points, the most after a tough night of passion.
I Niuliang lamp, in the gentle light, looked at my pillow people. Seen him say that Kazunari guy, always smiling, especially a pair of eyes that has unbeatable charm. But in my mind, it actually looks more like he was sleeping,教你三招倒车入位的绝代绝学 车辆脱险保险索赔相对本领 开车二十年后失去的实在的26条教导! 开车的人一 (http://www.cqfjw.com/boke/article.php?type=blog&cid=1&itemid=232278), peacefully, almost in holiness, especially when he was suddenly in a dream to smile or frown when the sweet and sad that the sudden I enchanted with a broken heart.
I can not help but gently on his forehead and kissed his forehead, actually raising his hand brushed a bit, as if I disturb his happy dream. I was amused, gas, but had to interrupt him. I gently stroked his body, the kind of flawless satin smooth feel can not compare, so I suspect it is the male body, even if is not an exaggeration, under the skin is very elastic symmetry of the flesh, so perfect body I think I can not face a second life.
thought here, he thought he would leave me sooner or later,Using ginger feet to prevent many diseases - Qzone (http://www.bignit.com/elgg/pg/blog/g1bh2gf2af/read/551934/using-ginger-feet-to-prevent-many-diseases-qzone), into the arms of another woman, which makes me helpless and depressed, subconsciously grabbed him.
dream he was hugging me, even with the way his face leaning on my chest deep, warm and paste clothes that make me extremely happy heart waves, tears inadvertently hit wet pillow.
cling to me and he slowly dim up.
sudden, hard struggle in my arms a little, and burst into tears.
I look from the blanket to sit up and hugged him: his son, my little father, and urine, and beg you let your mother sleep well now!
went wrong person facing the wall for an hour.