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04-03-2011, 12:57 AM
  ■ 案情回放

  2004年初,青海小伙贾剑峰受蛊惑投身“鼠窝”。在湖南株洲,贾剑峰和同乡黄国仓聆听了“高级经理” 桑某的讲课后,拉动亲朋投资数万元购买高档化妆品和名牌西服。然而,高层上线敛财的目的达到后,这一非法传 销组织很快就瓦解,tod's outlet (http://www.todsshoesuk.com),贾、黄等众下线分别损失数万元。意识到上当受骗的贾剑峰为了讨 要全家人的血汗钱,开始追查桑某的下落。直到2006年4月19日,能够接近桑某传销团伙的张喜峰,得知桑 某来兰的消息后,立即电话通知了“尕三”黄国仓。“尕三”发现桑某出入时身边都有“保镖”。贾剑峰闻悉后, 求助青海当地的混混“虎子”(韩瑞)帮忙“要债”。“虎子”立即带着“马仔”马小君、马建军,还有贾剑峰及 其发小宋海峰、王建伟等6人,连夜赶到兰州。在黄国仓的指认下,桑某独自一人时,该伙人持刀将其架上车带往 西宁。在车上,戴着手铐的桑某得知众绑匪的意图后,唯恐被送往公安局,竟自己打电话给家人报了平安。随后, “虎子”出面跟桑某谈判索要10万元欠账,没想到,Tod's Women's shoes (http://www.todsshoesuk.com),桑某愿拿出60万元“消灾”。在接下来的一整天时间内,“虎子 ”、贾剑峰、宋海峰3人陪同桑某到数家银行先后取款共60万元,tods outlet (http://www.todsshoesuk.com)。次日,他们如约将桑某释放。之后,8人分别分赃15万元至1万 元不等。

  事后,桑某跟“虎子”居然成了朋友,为支持“虎子”经商,桑某又陆续“出借”25万元给他。桑某虽对“ 虎子”的贪心深感厌恶,但他始终未敢报案。直到2008年2月,“虎子”和马建军因犯抢劫罪被兰州中院判刑 后,桑某才走进派出所报案。

  ■ 庭审直击

  当日庭审时,众被告异口同声称从未动手打过桑某,倒是他积极主动地配合取款,“他才不敢喊呢,反而怕我 们喊警察告发他。我们就坐在银行大厅看着他取款。”8被告人个个陈述坦荡,尤其第一被告人韩瑞称,“我就是 帮人讨个债,欠债人很自觉地商量着说要还那么多钱。我觉得要说自己犯罪,指控绑架罪不合适,敲诈勒索就对了 。”其他被告人的辩护律师也认为罪名定性当为敲诈勒索罪,还有一名律师提出非法拘禁罪的指控异 议。

  而受害人桑某委托的律师也发表了刑事请求观点,要求法院应以抢劫罪对被告判刑。但其提出要求被告赔付6 0万元的刑事附带民事赔偿请求,因其不属于人身损害赔偿范围,被法庭当庭驳回。

04-03-2011, 01:07 AM
□ What is the right chief reporter correspondent Li Xin

more cynical brutality. Who can tell me, what ails my son in the end ah?
Hu Yinxiu son 14 years old, to harm animals and people for fun. The strange behavior of children, make family a lot of trouble, his family took him to have been to many hospitals have seen doctors in psychiatry, but so far can not find the reason.
childhood cruelty to animals

Hu Yinxiu Jiaohu son Andy (pseudonym), on the sixth grade. As Hu Yinxiu malnutrition during pregnancy, only when his son was born more than two kilograms. Andy was born, often crying, until nearly two years old will be walking, poor balance, very difficult to go straight, especially irritable temper.
Hu Yinxiu said Andy amazing destructive power, less than 1 year old, it will tear the book to throw things, and then giggled. start eating at home, he would deliberately throw away dishes, threw things around; on the outside and the children play, he will suddenly put people down, or something to hit his head toward the people, even with scissors, sickle bar people; treatment size of the animal to be particularly cruel, he had a pig with a mouth to bite the nipple, also because the old hen chasing him, a few chickens that kill twenty bare. more intense.
grow up to act more out of control

present, ABC,designer handbags (http://www.designershandbag.co.uk/), with the other students in the school play, always to themselves as the center, a little goes wrong, will suddenly become emotional very intense.
reflect according to their classroom teacher, the teacher criticized him, there are other students look at him, he will disregard the teacher snapped, immediately rushed to beat the students.
Hu Yinxiu in to help clean up the room and found his son, the son of a book to pieces with a stroke, some iron boxes have been flattened, he might like to take this to vent.
Andy himself is worried that his psychological problems.
now, 1.67 meters, weight 50 kg Andy, face yellow, good appetite, big appetite. Andy Private Prosecution old to sleep, but genuine and very difficult to lay down to sleep; night urine, dizziness when walking or exercise, if not the will control the risk of collapse at any time.
to give Andy a doctor, Hu Yinxiu his wife with his son run a lot of hospitals, hospital after everything is normal.